When your ex is around

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Simon : Simon will sit/stand near you and keep you distracted and have contact with you at all times

Vik : vik will make sure he notices that you have another man by keep complimenting you and placing small kisses

Harry : Harry will make sure you have your eyes on him so the Outher man knows that you are his

Josh : josh will feel a bit awkward and try to get you both out of that room as fast as possible to make sure of no conversation

Ethan : ethan will make more jokes to make you laugh and have a good time so your ex knows what he is missing out on

Toby : he will keep looking at your ex and giving him glares and then turn back to you and put his arm round you so he knows that your his

JJ : JJ he will kiss you lots and lots to show that you are not available and you love each other very much

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