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There was no more fire.

The flames went away like a vacuum sucked it all up, but it also took Trent with it.

He was no where around me. I couldn't find him in the distance either, but I realized something. I couldn't see as far as I usually could. It was like I was... I quickly looked down at my hands and saw that they weren't as pale, I reached for my teeth and didn't feel anything prick me, and lastly I ran as slow as I did when I was in gym class, but I couldn't be happier.

I was human.

"Chloe," A voice said. My name echoed around the room of light. There was no pin point on where it was coming from, because it was coming from everywhere.

The white light started to vanish into a green field, no flowers or trees, just a long vast of flat grass.

"Chloe, are you here?" A women's head appeared above the horizon with a man following right behind her. They were both holding hands.

I had to hold in tears as my eyes picked up on what their faces looked like. Not seeing them for so long might have made me forget some features, but otherwise they were the exact same people that I grew up with. "I'm here. I'm here, mom! Dad, I'm here!"

Our eyes connected and I ran to them, I wasn't letting them out of my sight. They would for sure disappear if I did.

I tackled them together. I might not have had the vampire strength anymore, but I was strong enough to make my parents need to take a step back to sturdy their feet from the blow. As they wrapped their arms around me, I couldn't help thinking that I missed this feeling so much, and that I was craving this for so long and hadn't realized it.

"I didn't think we would see you so soon." My dad whispered into my ear.

I only slightly pulled away. "Are you sad to see me?"

"Of course not, it would just have been nicer to see you grow up some more." I frowned. He was speaking the truth, I hadn't been on Earth that long, but if we were no longer on Earth, where was I? I know I died.

Mom knew what I was thinking, she always did. "We are in the land in between"

I gave her a questioning look. "What is that?"

"It's a place you go when no one knows where to put you," she explained. "Then they will decide if you go into Heaven or Hell."

I gulped. "I don't know where I will go, when will I find out?" I didn't know if I was more good or bad at this point.

"Whenever the people that are control of this place decide," she said. She gave me one of her warm smiles.

It got me thinking. Had the people already decided where they put Trent? Had they already sent him to Hell? Is that why he wasn't with me anymore?

"Are they still deciding where you go too?" I asked them, trying to stop thinking of him.

Both of them looked at each other as if debating to tell me, but then looked at me and shook their heads at the same time. "They have already chosen where we go, we just came to visit," my dad said.

I had a feeling they went to heaven, I just hope that I meet them there. We all stood around together in a peaceful silence, no one had anything to talk about. I would think we would have tons, but they have been watching me this whole time, so there was nothing to talk about, they already knew everything.

My mind was still on Trent. I closed my eyes for the briefest second and when they opened a man had his back in my direction. His skin is a tan color and he has dark brown hair.

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