Chapter 28

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He lifted his head off the ground and supported himself with his elbows. "How did you get here?"

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," I said.

Finn was wearing a guard uniform, but his was more messed up than the other guys. It didn't look smoothed out, it had scratch marks, rips and tears, anything that would make it look like he was in a serious fight.

He sat up more from the ground so he was in an upright position. Pushing his tattered sleeves up his arms, he examined more of the scratches, just like me, he was waiting for them to heal.

"I got here because I didn't agree with what the prince was doing."

"You don't agree with him following the boy?" I would agree.

He shook his head. "I don't agree with what he's going to do when he gets to the place the boy is showing him." His teeth gritted together.

I didn't know what Trent would do, I knew that he was going to go find who killed Drew, but how would that effect Finn? I wanted him to tell me. "That is..."

"He wants to kill my beloved." He wants to kill Jen.

Trent would kill her, he wouldn't just throw her in a cell again; he was going to kill her. When I thought about Jen being dead, I didn't feel bad. I thought about all the bad she has done, she deserves it. Then I thought of Drew, she was the main reason he died. "She should die." Hearing my own voice say those words was like poison dripping off my tongue. I wanted to believe that someone possessed me to say those words, not me, but yet I'm the one that did.

"So you are siding with the prince? You want to kill my beloved too?" He scooted closer, I stayed where I was. "That's not smart to say around someone that could easily kill you." Neither one of us were chained up, just thrown in a cell together. With little effort he was off the floor with his hand locked around my neck and slammed me up against the wall.

My words came out choked. "You wouldn't kill me, you didn't before, and you wouldn't now."

Maybe I was being overly confident because if it was possible the grip on my neck got tighter. "Or maybe I would. Your prince clearly knew that throwing me in a cell with you wasn't a good idea. It's almost too easy for me to just kill you. So why would he throw me in a cell where I could easily kill his beloved? Is this his way of telling me that when he kills mine that I can kill his?"

I couldn't tell him he was insane, he was squeezing so tight that no words would come out

"All it would take is a twist of your neck and you would no longer be dangling in front of me," He whispered in my ear.

I have not had blood in a while, so my energy was already mostly gone when I was thrown in this cell, but now it drained more. I thought it was all gone, but Finn was as surprised as I was when I pushed my legs off the wall behind me to get enough force to kick him in between the legs. He stumbled back as his hands released my neck.

"I told you—" I chocked feeling strange talking after my throat was restricted. "—you wouldn't kill me."

He looked up from the ground his eyes blazing. The reaction I wanted.

I positioned myself right in front of the door, but was careful enough not to touch it. As Finn ran right at me, all he was focusing on was the kill, not that I would sidestep out of the way just in time for not a scratch to be on me, and him almost passed out on the ground.

The painful silver and ancient wood mixture was still covering the door, just like I hoped. All of it hitting him at once would surely be enough for him to not attack me for a while. So we could just talk. He wanted to kill me, but he wanted to just get out of this cell as much as I do.

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