Chapter 15

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Song= Battle Scars: Lupe Fiasco & Guy Sebastian

"Please, all I'm asking is for you to repeat yourself."

The inside of the tree apparently leaded to the place where he wanted to take me. I was-and am-too stunned by his words to do anything but follow as he drags me by my wrist though the dark. He can see where we are going, while my vampire vision is just kicking in. Everything looks foggy.

"I said that this tunnel is for the saving humans cause."

"How do you know about that? It's about humans wanting to kill vampires?" I questioned, wondering how he knew about it.

"I'm fully aware of that."

"Then why-" He already knew my next question before I could complete my sentence. His hand dropped from my wrist, and stopped completely.

"Have you ever thought that maybe vampires have feelings too? Well, you still seem to have feelings and you are now a vampire. We might not have hearts, but we still care. That's how we can still love our beloveds and how we still feel regret."

The word Beloved struck me again. Trent's face popped in my head, again. It felt like the millionth time that it happened. Separation wasn't doing me any good, it made me wonder how he was feeling. He had marked me, but I never did it back. Would he still feel this pain, or this need of want? And as much as my body begged me to run from this stranger named Kyle, I didn't want to go back.

Seeing the look of sadness cross Kyle's face made me wonder what he could be thinking about. "So how did you learn about it?"

"Who hasn't heard about it?" He gave a humorless chuckle. "I think I learned about it, the moment I needed something good to happen." I didn't need to ask for him to continue. "I met my beloved, and she was human, I was staring too long that it gave another vampire the opportunity to kill her. No hesitation. They went straight for the kill. The one thing-the only thing-I looked forward to in this never dying concept was living with the person that was made for me. Of course, I killed that vampire afterwards, but it didn't stop the regret I felt in not taking her the second I saw her." I could see the blood slipping down his cheeks. I didn't question why he was telling me this. I didn't know how to comfort a vampire; I didn't know how to comfort people. Trent and Jen would tell me their stories, but would never get sappy on me; they always seemed too strong to show too much emotion.

I carefully wrapped my arms around his torso and patted his back. I felt awkward.

"So what's the point of living if you have nothing to look forward to? The only thing that I'm looking forward to is killing vampires. Humans don't deserve this. We didn't deserve this." He gestured between the both of us. "And if I can help other people kill vampires, the monsters that took everything away from me, then I will."

Trying to see his face in this fog covering my eyes, I asked, "How did you become a vampire?"

"That is a story that I will save for another time. We got to keep moving."

We could have talked as we found our way underground, but I had a feeling that was just a topic he didn't want to talk about. We continued walking.

He wasn't grabbing on my wrist, or dragging me by my arm. I was just walking beside him with my arms lazily dragging at my sides.

"So why did you kidnap me?" If I was going to get answers to some questions I should at least try when it was just him and I.

"All your questions will be answered soon," he promised.

"How did you get so tall?"

Laughing he replied, "Genetics."

I liked him better when he was laughing, he seemed less uptight. Why couldn't Trent do that more? I shook my head of the thought. I needed to get him out of my head.

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