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"Good morning Mr.Olaru, keeping your bad boy status by being late on the first day back I see." Was the first thing I heard walking into main foyer. Looking over to see Mr. Jefferson barely moving his gaze from his newspaper. He was my world history teacher since ninth grade. Me and him were buddy's. He didn't rat me out for being late for his classes or roaming the halls and I didn't tell on him out for stealing the wallets of the rich kids. "You know it." I said walking right passed him ignoring the fact that he called me a "bad boy"

As I thought every one was in the gym, as the principal was going on about school policy. I pushed open the door almost hitting someone with it. "Sorry" I muttered my eyes gazing to meet with the victims. Immediately my palms got clammy with the realization of who it was. The boy from yesterday. "do I know you, your red cheeks look familiar..." He asked a slight smile of his olive coloured face. "Um no I don't think so sorry about hitting you with the door." I mumbled rubbing the back of my head with my hand. It's not like I was going to tell him I saw him at the hospital when I was picking up depression meds.

"It's no problem, hahaha, you look more flustered then I do and your the one who hit me with the door" he joked his face lighting up, making me want to stare at him for years and run my hands through his chestnut hair. But yet a unwanted thought came along he probably thinks your crazy, he would never want to kiss you. "Hahahaha... Yeah...." I trailed looking to my black chucks. "So.. I'm.." He started before I cut him off by turning around.

I couldn't handle talking to him.I new that there was no possibility of him wanting to be my friend or better off my boyfriend, so there was no point of wasting my breath. But I wanted to talk to him so bad I don't know if it was the way his eyes sparkled or the way his dimples were deep like caverns in his cheeks or the way his forehead crinkled when he smiled. There was just something compelling about that boy.

"You are all dismissed please return to your regular classes. Classes will be in session in fifteen minutes, seniors please wait till everyone else is out before going to class." The principal announced sending the freshman jumbling to there lockers and us seniors staying back waiting "your a senior?" I heard a familiar voice from behind me ask

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