10. Enoch imagine

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You sat under the oak tree, pouring your soul into the book you were reading, relaxing while the others laugh and play with each other.

As you read you felt a slight nudge from your shoe.
You dog-ear your page
and shut the book seeing a little sort of clay figure running into your foot.

you give a slight chuckle, picking the figure up from the ground: studying the clay little man. you knew there was one person who this belongs too.


You pulled yourself off the grassy patch, making a long stride towards his favorite spot. You never really talked to the boy, let alone even a slight wave. Just more of short glances between you two. You stopped right in front of the boy: plopping down.
As he dismantals one of his homunculies, not noticing your presence, you give a slight cough.
And his head perks up, slightly glaring at you.
"What is it you want?"
He spat.
you lift your head high, not even a flinch from his attitude and you hold the figure in your hand.
"I just wanted to return this to you, it must've wandered off" you say placing it in his hand.
His glare softens as he clears his throat, putting the homunculies in his pocket.
"Oh, yes umm...thanks"
you nod
"No problem."
You stand up and walk three steps before turning around
"I'm Y/N, by the way" he gives a closed mouth smile. "Enoch" he replies. You nod and head off towards the house.

Hey! How was that good? Who knows Could be horrible

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