19. New view (Part two)

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I watch him as he kept at it. deciding whether to go or not, hoping he'd choose not to. "I think you should just trust me. Please just stay here." I bite my lip a bit.

"Look, it'll be quick. In and out. Okay?"he turned to me.

"Oh! I have three reasons for you not to go. 1: it's Emma. 2: it's Emma. And 3: she uses fire!" Wait. I use fire. I mentally face palm.

"I just can't imagine anything good happening.." I give him a serious expression. "Jacob. As your friend..I think you should trust me."

He sighed sadly. "I'm sorry. But I'm going to meet her and you can't stop me." He started to walk towards the door.

He can't be serious. I'm his best friend, he needs to trust me. I can't lose him to an old lady! "Jacob please!" I stand. He stopped and faced me.

"Just stay here and we can talk this out more."

He stood there for a moment and raise a brow.

"I don't believe it..(Y/N/L/N) is jealous." This made me scoff "Jealous? Excuse me Mr. Portman, I do not get jealous! Abe wanted me to look after you! Not Emma. Me!" I scolded him

"Why are you getting so angry!? She just wants to talk!"

"You really believe that?" I lower my voice.

"She's a girl, you really think she just wants to talk. Don't you understand that she's the same age as your grandfather? Maybe even older."

He glared. well. "(Y/N), why can't you trust anyone here? Eversince we got here, you've been on your guard. Stop treating me like I'm a baby, I'm not eight anymore!" My expression faded. This wasn't going to end well.

"If you really wanted what's best for me, you'd stay away and let me figure this whole thing out on my own!" He yelled loudly. I felt myself grow weak.

The flame in me burnt out in seconds.
He was right. I did baby him. I've been on his back the entire trip. I'd just been thinking for myself.

"Jacob I'm-"

"Save it!" He spat. "I'm going and nothing you say will stop me So of you're just going to judge me, go back to the pub." he stomped away and left the living room, leavinge in complete and utter shock.

Did I just lose my best friend? "Jacob! I'm sorry!" I try to yell for him but he was already gone. I felt like the worst person in the world.

Maybe he is right.

Nothing will happen..

But we all know what happens! Thank you guys if you're still here with me while I write these, this was actually pretty good. I enjoyed it.😃 let me know if that just wasn't enough for you in the comments and maybe I'll post again!

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