Hollywood Undead~Danny & Katrina

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This Oneshot is for LittleMsUndead she didn't ask me to write her one but I figured that I'd go ahead and write it considering that Danny's marriage proposal didn't make it into my first story when I had originally intended. So I hope that you all enjoy it! Remember that if you want a little story written for you just let me know.

I laid quietly in the front lounge of the bus reading my book while Ava, George's daughter, rested beside me with her stuffed rabbit. I smiled, feeling completely at peace with myself and the life that I had built for me, and my amazing boyfriend Danny. I sighed happily at the mere thought of him and automatically my heart began to flutter the way it used to when I had first met him two years ago. Of course back then things were a bit simpler than this. Back then I still had my best friend Brooklyn, Jorel's sister, and Deuce wasn't causing so much trouble. But like always times change, some for better and some for worse. Either way I'm glad that I have Danny by my side to help me through all the bull shit that life throws at me.

An hour later all the guys walked onto the bus with bags of food and other necessities for tour life. George thanked me for watching Ava and took her back to the bunk area. Danny quickly took the space that Ava had been occupying earlier. I shook my head at him and dropped my arms around him. He smiled up at me before he buried his face in my chest and nipped at the exposed skin.
"You're an idiot!" I said laughing and pushed his head up. He smiled back at me, "But I'm your idiot." I sighed and pecked his lips.
"You're my cute little idiot."
"I'm not little," he made a pouty face. "You should know that." He added with a smirk.
My cheeks flared up with heat. I swatted his chest and pushed him on the floor.
"You wish you were big enough Danny." I said, flipped my hair over my shoulder and sauntered to the bunk area.
Behind me I heard Dylan give a low whistle followed by a loud smack!
"D-damn *cough* Dan-Danny *wheeze* take a *cough* joke." Dylan coughed out, Danny just flipped him off.
I was about to climb up in the bunk that me and Danny shared when a pair of arms laced around my waist and my neck was met with teeth biting down hard, causing me to yelp.
"Mine." Danny whispered rather aggressively in my ear. "Get in the bunk Katrina." A whole wave of shivers went rolling down my spine in excitement. He only said my full name when he wanted to "punish me" for being a tease to him. Yeah I know it sound pretty kinky, but hey whatever floats his boat.
I smiled to myself and mock saluted him and said, "Aye aye captain!" and climbed in the bunk. I could see that he was trying to keep from laughing as he stripped out of his shirt.
"You are something else Kat."
"But you love me." I gave him one last wink before his lips crashed into mine.
"And I'm gonna show you just how much I love you my little Lion."


The sun poured it's way into the bunk from outside, causing me to throw the pillow over my face.
"Ugh go away you evil creature!!" I yelled through the pillow. From beside me I heard a deep chuckle.
"Aw but baby I'm not that evil." Danny said pulling the pillow off my face. I smiled and kissed his cheek softly before throwing my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug. He laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Well someone's happy to see me." I nodded my head. "Did you enjoy last night my little Lion?" He asked playfully, and once again my heart began to flutter like a giddy school girl.
"I know I did." Dylan said poking his head out from his bunk, which was on top of mine and Danny's. Quickly I pulled Danny out of there and away from Dylan before an all out war could erupt. Danny kept murmuring threats towards Dylan as I dragged him out to the front lounge. I sighed and shook my head. Men, you can't live without them and you sure as hell can't live with them at times.
"Babe I'm sorry about Dylan."
He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled at him.
"It's fine Danny. I know that's just his personality."
He scoffed and sat down on the couch, "Yeah well his personality has gotta change by tonight."
What in the hell does that mean? Is Danny thinking of trying to kick Dylan out of the band? If he does this band is so fucked. I mean I support him in all of his decisions, but if he tried to kick Dylan out I don't know where I would stand on that decision.
Yes Danny has been my boyfriend for two years now, but Dylan has also been like a brother to me during that time as well. It's one choice that I don't ever want to make. Ugh I'll just talk to him about it after the concert tonight.

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