Hollywood Undead~Danny & Ivy

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This Story Was For A Beloved Friend Of Mine, I Was Informed Last Night That She Has Passed Away. I'm Still Not Sure If I'm Going To Keep Her Stories Up Or Not.. I Might, Idk Yet.

Ivy sat alone in the park's gazebo watching the sun set.  Her purple hair whipped around her face in the late summer breeze. She watched all of her friends who were down at the baseball field playing glow-in-the-dark freeze tag. It did look fun her, but she wasn't in the mood to run around in a flimsy white shirt and be covered in paint. Heck she wasn't even in the mood to be out of the house in general. But Danny, her best friend since third grade, had convinced her to go with him. All he had done was flash his beautiful smile at her and she was basically putty in his hands.
Her mind always seemed to wander off to this wonderland state at the mere mention of the Puerto Rican. Ever since they had met she'd always felt something a bit different than what others felt. Sure a lot of girls would swoon over him more often now that he's started his own band, but she's been feeling like that about him way longer.
"Hey kitten." Danny said cheerfully and sat down next to her.
She blushed at the little nickname and turned her head away from him. It was around seventh grade that Danny had began to call her kitten when she had found a stray cat and begged Danny to help her take care of it. They had ended up calling the cat Ghost, and from that day on Ivy never went anywhere without Ghost. She would sometimes meow back at Ghost and that's how Danny have her the nickname kitten. All because she'd get bored and would meow at Ghost.
She smiled at the memory, it was a lot easier back then. Just me and Danny. But now all those little.. sluts want to all of a sudden be with him cause they know he can sing. Pathetic.
"What'cha thinkin about Ivy?" Danny smiled at her cheekily and shoved her shoulder lightly. She smiled back at him, shrugging.
Danny watched as Ivy turned her gaze turned back to their friends who still had yet to notice his absence. Honestly he liked it that way, just him and Ivy. He'd never told her before, but he hated all the attention that some of the cheerleaders were giving him now that he's got a band. They were all acting fake and just hanging out with him just to say that they slept with him.
Danny sighed and brushed his hair out of his face. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Ivy was looking back at him. He gave her a flirty wink which caused her to blush. Internally he smiled at that minor accomplishment. He loved to make her smile, and she knew that... The only thing she didn't know was that he wanted her to be his.
"Stop that Danny." Ivy said jokingly. He cocked an eyebrow and tilted his head. This'll be my chance, he thought and moved closer to her. Ivy's cheeks glowed red when his shoulder pressed into her.
"Do what?" He asked innocently. She rolled her eyes at him.
"You know what you're doing and it's not gonna work." She said the last part in a sing-song voice.
"Well whatever it is that I'm doing it does seem to be working cause you are as red as a tomato."
She huffed dramatically, "Whatever." She sighed and turned her back to him in mock annoyance. He took that chance to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her close. At first she tried to get away from him but once he rested his head on her shoulder Ivy relaxed against his chest.
Ivy smiled to herself and rested her arms on top of Danny's. Everything seemed to be turning out the way that she's always wanted it to. Her and Danny alone together and holding each other.
"Kitten?" Danny asked worried. He picked up his head from her shoulder to look into her green eyes.
"What's up Danny?"
A deep pain tugged at his heart as he ran his fingertips along her skin where the sleeve of her jacket had risen up. Gently he wrapped his hand around her arm and pulled it up so that he could see it better. Just like he had feared, her arm was covered in new scars and cuts.
Ivy pulled away from him and shoved her hands in her coat pockets. She didn't want him to find out this way, matter of fact she didn't want him to find out at all. Months and years of pain and bullying, and name calling seemed to come flooding back to her as she walked away from her best friend. She could hear him calling her name but she didn't want him to see her like this. Heavy footsteps pounded on the ground behind her, she picked up her pace and cut through the back woods. Ivy knew that Danny wouldn't be able to follow her if she went through there.
"IVY!! IVY COME BACK!!" Danny kept calling to her but she just ran further away from him. He finally gave up chasing after her when she disappeared into the woods. He slowed his pace then turned back around to go back home. The whole time he walked home he kept wondering why she would want to hurt herself like that. What was so bad in her life that she would want to take it out on herself? Did something happen at home? So many questions swirled around his mind and filled it like a thick fog rolling in over the coast. My kitten is hurting and she won't let me help her... Why?

*Two weeks later*

"You can try and talk to her, but I doubt that she'll even open the door."
Mrs. Lee said to Danny. She stepped aside and opened the door wider for Danny to walk through. He thanked her and jogged up the stairs to Ivy's room.
He knocked a few times on her door and waited for a response. Nothing. Not even a "go away". Danny waited ten more minutes for her to decide to let him in, but nothing happened. There wasn't a single sound coming from her room. By this point he was starting to get worried about his Ivy. She's never acted this way towards him before.
"Ivy...? Can you please open the door, it's me Danny."
Again he was met with silence.
"Ivy I will pick the lock," he threatened.
More silence.
He sighed and pulled out the lock picking kit that he had gotten for his birthday last year. 
"I'm coming in Ivy!" He yelled through the door. Once he got it unlocked he was met with a sight that he'd never imagined seeing.
He pushed himself forward and scooped her body up into his arms. Blood ran down her arm and dripped down onto his jeans.
How could she do this? What is causing her so much pain!? Tears flowed down his cheeks, staining his face and shirt. His arms tightened around her as he cried into her hair.
"D-Danny ...?"
He pulled away from her in shock and quickly got up to take her to his car. Danny didn't see Ivy's mom when he got downstairs so he figured that he'd call her when they got to the hospital.

An hour later Danny sat in a small waiting room with tacky wall paper. His hands shook with a mix of anxiety and nervousness. The doctor told him that he'd have some news about Ivy twenty minutes ago and yet Danny has yet to see the doctor again. He got up from his chair and paced around the small room until it filled up with another family. He sighed and headed down the hall to the nurse's station.

A short chubby woman with dirty blonde hair looks up at Danny and smiled sweetly, "What can I help you with sugar?"
Danny cocked an eyebrow at her southern accent. He's never really heard a woman in Los Angeles with a southern accent before.
"Uhm my girlfriend Ivy Lee was supposed to be out of surgery an hour and a half ago but no ones told me if she's okay."
"Wait right here hun and I'll find out for you." She gave him another smile before disappearing around a corner. Danny waited patiently for her to come back with any kind of news. Finally she came back with some papers in her hands.
"Alright she's able to go home but the doctor recommends some antidepressants."
"Thank you." He said and took the papers.
"What room is she?"
"169." She told him and pointed down the hall to the left.
He nodded his head and ran down towards her room. When he entered the room Ivy was already pulling on her shirt, her arms fully bandaged in white.
"Hey Kitten." He said softly, she jumped back from the bed and shot him a glare. Danny smiled at her with his arms held wide for her to hug him. Her hard gaze soon softened and she ran full force to him with tears spilling down her face. He held her tight while she cried into his chest.
"I know you're hurting, I know you've been hurt by so many things, and people, I can tell by the that you've been ignoring me... but just please talk to me."
"I just don't know what to do anymore Danny." She cried harder and harder with each breath.
He leaned down and kissed the top of her head, "If you let me I'll take care of you. It's all I want, to make you happy. You're my best friend Ivy and I don't wanna see you hurt."
She sighed at the term 'best friend'. She didn't want to be best friends anymore. She wanted to be his girlfriend. If only he'd ask.
He could tell that she didn't like that he had called her his 'best friend' and honestly neither did he. Danny wanted her to be his more than anything in the world, but he wasn't sure how to ask her. Ivy snuggled closer to him and leaned up on her toes to kiss his jawline.
That little gesture, just that little spark ignited a certain type of courage inside of Danny. He smiled brightly down at Ivy and kissed her fully on her lips.
"Ivy, will you be my girlfriend?"
She blushed a bright red and nodded her head.
"Just promise to come to me when you feel like," he gestured to her arms. "that..?"
"I promise Danny."

Evening my lovelies !!
This oneshot is for the amazing and talented -JigSaw-  hope you like it!

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