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1973, Washington D.C, JSA HQ

(This goes with the song Disenchanted by MCR)

Well I was there on the day

They sold the cause for the queen

"We have been informed by the U.S.A government, that the Justice Society of America must unmask. We are sorry, but we do not think having masked heroes running around is such a good idea." Alan Scott, the golden age Green Lantern; repeated from a paper. "This is minotaur dung!" Hippolyta, golden age Wonder Woman yelled at her teammates. "Polly babe..." Theodore Grant or as his superhero name once was 'Wildcat.' "I don't even wear a mask!" She scoffed, "neither does Jay or Alan!"

And when the lights all went out

We watched our lives on the screen.

A few hours later, after many of the superheroes departure and lots of tears. Hippolyta stood in front of Theodore, Alan, Jay Garrick (GA Flash), Charles (Dr.Midnight) and Rex (Hourman.) "I came here to help you. That was my mission. If there's no Justice Society..." Hippolyta trailed off. "I love you, men. I feel so horrible for treating you the way I did when we first met." Hippolyta felt a tear run down her face. Ted immediately went into hug his Polly. "We understand." Ted reassured her and the rest of the team nodded. "We love you too." Ted pulled a soft crying Hippolyta into his chest. "We didn't need this to happen, guys." Ted said gruffly towards the men standing there. "We were a team, we were great together." Jay shrugged, "I don't know... I think it's time we settle down. Joan makes some killer ham." Jay chuckled which earned a giggle from a crying Hippolyta.

I hate the ending myself,

But it started with an alright scene.

1943, Washington.

"You guys are so slow!" Hippolyta teased as she and Jay ran around the track. In preparation for the war, the government made the Society train. Hippolyta and Jay, being the only ones with super-speed, ran the track in under a minute. Wildcat was the last one, due to him being the only without any super super powers. Hippolyta cheered him on from the stands. "Go Teddy!" Flash sat next to her and grumbled. Which earned him a sneer from Polly. "What's your problem?" She glared at him, "Nothing, just that you two started 'dating' a week ago." Hippolyta scoffed and then started laughing with Jay.

It was the roar of the crowd

That gave me heartache to sing.

1973, January 1st, JSA HQ

Alan Scott looked outside, protesters were lined up. 'All because that one guy spoke out.' He thought to himself. He looked at his fellow members who were lined around the marble round table. "What's wrong?" Theodore asked, his Brooklyn accent appearing lost. Hippolyta rolled her eyes, "Ted you don't have to ask that, you know what's happening. The people hate us." She felt a slight tug on her hand and looked down to see 8 year old Dinah Lance. She immediately took the little girls hand, being her aunt she felt it was appropriate to comfort the little girl. "We will be fine. I promise." Alan said to them, but mostly to himself.

It was a lie when they smiled

And said, "you won't feel a thing"

FBI HQ, 1963

Charles looked at his fellow teammates. They were all strapped to tons of wires and machines. "Men... and women," he said noticing Polly's glare, "are we gonna die?" Charles wasn't scared of death, but he didn't want to go out like this. Rex and Jay shrugged, Alan didn't answer, Polly coughed, and Theodore tried getting out of the restraints. "Do not worry, we'll have you all ready to go once we do a few more tests. Specially on that one." One of the generals lining the small room pointed to Hippolyta. She bit in the air like a dog. "Scrag on!" The generals rolled their eyes and turned on the machines. Each member felt a sudden shock down their spines.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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