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Emma's POV:

I sat up feeling groggy, uh I had been knocked out way too much, in a single setting. I stood taking in my surroundings. I was standing on thick cement which was everywhere it spread out as far as the eye could see. Then two paths appeared in front of me.

One a sickly shade of green and the other a dark red.
"Choose wisely Savior!" Someone chirped and I whirled around and saw an ugly little troll standing there with a pleased smirk on his face.
"Knowing red usually meant death I started down the green path.

It all happened so quickly I don't even know how.
"Hello Emma!!" Zelena's annoying voice chirped throughout the clearing. I scowled angrily.
"Zelena! Show yourself!!" I screamed and she appeared my brother in her arms.

"No! Give him to me!!" I begged, but she just laughed and threw a fireball at me. I dodged it easily, but when I looked up a huge firewall separated me and Zelena. The thing stretched as far as the eye can see both left and right.

"I know what you're thinking Emma and the only way to you helpless brother is through the fire!" She snickered as if she were a genius. Without giving it a second thought I lept into the flames, not caring about the burning all over my body.

It seemed that eveytime I got close to the other side the wall of fire would grow in width. I was loosing oxygen ,but I thought of how upset my parents would be if I didn't get to him. So I pressed on. Until finally I burst through the fire my whole body stinging.

I raced to Zelena and lunged for my brother but she disappeared dropping Neal. I swiftly caught him,but he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
"No!" I cried in anguish, my poor baby brother. I slowly got up and saw the green path was in front of me again. Slowly, limping from all my burns I started back down the path.


Gold stared at Emma in horror, she screamed in agony, before bright splotches of what appeared to be burns appeared on her arms, face and legs.

"You conniving little demons!!" He shouted making them both laugh. Then to their utter shock he kicked Daxton right in the face. He stumbled backwards and looked like he was going to attack when Emma screamed again as scratches, large deep scratches appeared on her. Mostly on her arms and face.
"Henry!" She whimpered fearfully.

"You know something dearie, you're a terrible lier!" Gold fumed, remembering his promise to his son, that he'd keep Emma and Henry safe.
"Oh and why's that imp?" Sally asked.
"Because I can tell we're still in storybrooke and I know you don't have Bell because she was with Aurora, Mulan and Ella , she was nowhere near my shop where you claim you took her from!" He spat breaking the ropes that held him down.

To be Continued.....
Hey guys thanks for reading and I hope you like the story so far :-)

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