Endings and Suprises

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Emma's POV:

We opened gold's door to his shop and helped, me er we'll just call her the Dark Queen , into the shop she was hurting awfully bad.

"Gold we need your help!" I called and he rushed over followed by bell and his and her future selves and a bunch of kids.
"Emma are you okay?" A blonde girl asked and she laughed bitterly.
"I'll be okay Muffy don't you worry kid." She smiled as a little girl with brown hair touched her cheek.

"Are you lying?" She asked softly and she chuckled.
"I'm sorry Kimmy but I don't know how much longer I have." The Dark Queen sobbed and I grabbed one of the gold's shirts (not exactly sure which one it was,but.... Who cares)

"Fix her now Gold!!!" I raged and he nodded quickly pulled out a red mixture.
"Here take this and sprinkle it on your heart!" He instructed and she nodded weakly. So I ripped my older self's heart out and sprinkled the mixture on her ... Well our heart.

It lightened a great amount.
Swiftly I pushed the heart back into her chest. She gasphed then smiled.
"Thank-you Rumpelstiltskin." She exclaimed.

"You can use that mixture three more times then I'm sure future me can make you more." He told her and she nodded before turning to me.
"Alright you need to go reset the memory core." She told me opening a bright portal.

"Okay and what'll happen when I do that?" I asked worriedly and she smiled.
"You'll find out soon, now hurry!!".

I took a shaky breath before slowly walking through the portal.

Clocks and numbers were swirling around my head. I noticed a pink swirly thing.
" please be the memory core!" I begged placing my hand on it. My hand began to vibrate until it felt numb then I heard a sing song voice ask

"Do you wish to still meet Sally and Daxton?"
"What heck no and keep Zelena away from me also!!!" I grumbled.

"Of course is that all?"
"Sure whatever just reset or do what you were going to do!!" I commanded and then a white light erupted from the pink thing
"As you wish" it muttered then it exploded and my world went black.
No one's POV:
Emma shook her head feeling dazed then hiked the diaper bag onto her shoulder and put Neal into her left arm before opening the door to Granny's.

"Hey Emma what took you so long?" My David asked and Emma smirked
"Your son wet himself all over and I forgot the diaper bag and had to go back." She explained handing her brother over to her mom.

Just then a little old man dropped his cup onto the floor. Swiftly Emma dived and caught it.
"Thank-you young lady." He muttered and Emma smiled
"Hey no problem."

"Are you dropping stuff again!" A little old lady asked him angrily and he sighed.
"I've got arthritis woman what do you expect?"
Emma stifled a giggle before placing the cup in front of him.
"No really mame its no problem at all!" Emma reassured her

"Alright but my brother and I apologize again." She explained and Emma grinned.
"Well have a good afternoon.. Uh.."
"Sally dear you can call me Sally and this is my brother Daxton." She explained and Emma frowned something about them seemed familiar but she couldn't place it. She just smiled and shook her hand

"I'm Emma, have a great afternoon I hope I'll be seeing you around soon." She told them and when Emma sat down with her family Sally turned to Daxton with a smirk.
"Don't worry dear savior you'll be seeing us very soon."

The End

Hey guys I'll give you more into on my new book in the next chapter but I hope you enjoyed this book and I thank all of you for your support and encouragement. You're all so very amazing, please don't ever change :)

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