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This is not a continuation to the previous story ^o^
"C'mon! Let's continue practicing already!" Leader Suho exclaimed.

Exo was taking a break after a 2 hours straight dance practice.

"Can we rest for like 10 mins more? We are all very tired" Luhan whined and the members all agree to him.

"No we can't! We will be chided by the manager if we rest for too long" Suho explained.

After hearing that, all the exo members stood up lazily and started practicing again. The song played was 'Wolf' and it was a very tiring dance. All the members give in their all to finish it but poor Baekhyun was already exhausted.

He was feeling giddy and nauseous but he didn't want to tell any of the members as he didn't want to disappoint them. He can feel his eyes closing slowly and his dance steps getting slower and weaker. Because of his dance steps, Kyungsoo hit Baekhyun in the nose and it bled. Combining with his tiredness, he fainted.

The members all crowded around him and Suho called the ambulance. The ambulance arrived at the speed of light and took him to the hospital. Everyone was worried but none of them cried, except for Kyungsoo. Kai went to pampered him but it was no use, tears just kept falling down his eyes.

Suho asked for permission if Kyungsoo could go and visit Baekhyun and his permission was granted. Kyungsoo expressed his thanks to Suho and went off to visit Baekhyun.

"Urm may i know where is Byun Baekyun?" he asked the nurse at the counter.

"Mr Byun is currently in the A&E (Accident & Emergency) room" the nurse replied him.

Kyungsoo was shocked upon hearing what the nurse had told him. Tears immediately started falling from his eyes.

"Mr Byun is at level 5 room 124 in the A&E room" the nurse told him.

Kyungsoo thanked her and went off to look for his friend. When he reached, all he could see was Baekhyun lying on the bed with his eyes shut. Kyungsoo went to sit on the chair beside the bed.

"Baekhyun! Baekhyun! Baek--" Kyungsoo tried waking him up, but to no avail. He had no choice but to wait till he wakes up. He waited and waited, it was already 1am and Baekhyun was still showing no signs of waking up.

But Kyungsoo was already sleepy. He could feel his eyelids drooping but he wanted to wait till Baekhyun wakes up. Minutes later, he fell asleep. He was sitting on the chair and his head was beside Baekhyun's hand.

The next morning, Baekhyun awakened. When he laid up, the first thing he saw was a little penguin sleeping soundly beside him, he was shocked.

"Kyungsoo ya~~" Baekhyun called out to Kyungsoo to wake him up.

Kyungsoo stood up immediately.

"Kyungie, why are u--" Baekhyun was cut off. Kyungsoo was embracing him tightly till he can't speak.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!!" Kyungsoo pouted and apologized.

"Why are you apologizing? it's not your fault"

"But i hit your nose! you were bleeding and your nose has a bruise now because of me! if you are performing, people might dislike you because of your nose" Tears welled up in Kyungsoo's eyes while he said this.

"The bruise will recover" Baekhyun said softly.

Baekhyun wiped off the tears that were falling from Kyungsoo's eyes and patted him on the head muttering, "I'm okay"

Kyungsoo looked up and gazed at Baekhyun. Their eyes are having contact. Baekhyun flushed and wanted to avoid the gaze but he couldn't, because Kyungsoo was just too cute with his gigantic eyes which were red as he just cried.

"Yes?" Baekhyun gained courage and asked Kyungsoo.

"Close your eyes" Kyungsoo replied.

Baekhyun did what Kyungsoo said and closed his eyes. At that moment, he felt something brushed against his nose. When that feeling was gone, he opened his eyes.

"Get well soon!" Kyungsoo said with a warm smile on his face.

Baekhyun blushed, and he also saw Kyungsoo's cheeks pinkish red. Baekhyun smirked.

"Okie, and thank you"

4th story completed!

Hope u like it! I can't think of any other things so I hope this is good enough :) thanks for reading💕

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