Angels Dont Cry.........

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The wind howled through the trees of the tranquil forest, it turned the rain making it feel like a whip against Luca’s skin. He was used to pain though his kind had felt it more than once. Ever since the Ever war 20,000 years ago when his kind was wiped out by the Rucins.

He turned his head to look out over the forest; the rain pelted his black shirt making it stick to him. There only remained a few of his kind….that he knew of he thought hopefully. He looked down over the cliff, large pine trees towered over the ground looking like green spikes. He jumped speeding downwards towards the ground and at the last second he spread his large black wings he had painted the tips green…it was time to find her, the only one that could recover their race and save their kind and humans alike.

Heathers POV:

Heather woke to the annoying sound of her alarm clock; she slammed her hand down on it fumbling for the right button.  She let out an annoyed sigh and sat up. Why do Mondays have to be the worst day of the week, she thought to herself. “Heather!” her mother yelled from downstairs in the dining room, “are you awake?” Heather groaned “No, my lights just on and I’m moving for no reason.” She yelled back. “Young lady don’t sass me!” her mother yelled back irritated.

Heather rummaged through her walk in closet picking out a loose shirt that went down on one shoulder it was her favorite out of all her many clothes. She grabbed some brown feathered beaded necklaces and a brown bracelet. Her shirt was a teal so it would match perfectly. She found some brown sandals and slipped them on.

Going into the bathroom she washed and blow dried her long blonde hair straitening it slowly. Her life was perfect she was head cheerleader she had the perfect boyfriend and she had all the friends she could every need. In fact she just heard the doorbell ring it couldn’t be any one else except Jenna her best friend in the entire world.

Heather rushed down two flights of stairs and almost slipped down the last flight. She gather herself together and went to the door. Swinging the door open she let out an excited cry and hugged Jenna tightly.

“Get off!!” jenna cryed loudly

“Your going to mess up my hair! It took all mourning to  curl this mess!”

“Sorry,I didn’t know you had to be so perfect today!” heather teased lightly

“humph!”  jenna whipped around talking about how it was senior pictures today.

Heather rolled her eyes.

"Come on jenna we will be late for 1st hour!"

Jenna let out a laugh "have some fun peppy penelopy"

"ill have some fun in detention or in summer school insted of in the mountains this summer!" heather shot back.

jenna sighed

"come on then!"

Heather smiled and hopped in the car it was the perfect day!

 Luka's POV: 

      Luca looked around he tucked in his wings shaking his wavy black hair. He would have to blend in if he was to find the girl.He doubteed she even knew about her powers. he let out a small laugh and looked up at the large high school. "fun" he muttered to himself sarcasticly while weaveing his way around groups of kids. he noticed thew girls that followed him with there eyes but they had always done that it was nothing new. 

 Finding his way to the office luca stumbled upon an old wrinkley lady with a curly tuff of white hair on her aged head. 


He said in the most friendly voice he had. the old women looked up at him her old brown eyed studyied him slightly.

"Hello luca your new here i see, heres your schedual and ill send someone to show you around school. now go on now you wont want to be late."

Luca looked at her suprised at her inteligence and snappyness.

"Heather drepen Please come to the office ,Heather drepen" shouted a loud intercom overhead.

A few minutes later a tall blonde headed girl came into the office and asked what they wanted with her, luca stared at her with wonder. this girl was gorgeous. he guessed she was a senior on the cheer teanm due to her letterman jacket patches and most of all she was the girl he was looking. one reason is because of the small birthmark on her neck it glittered and glowed faintly. how did they expect him to convince this prep to go with him? he thought defetedly.

***********************************************************************************************************This is my first story online so im hopeing yall like it please vote and comment on it and maybe at somepoint in the book ill put you in it!!!! so leave comments please!!!!

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