The truth

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Heathers pov:

The rest of the day heather couldn't get luca's eyes out of her head. From 2nd hour till last hour she seemed zoned out. Even when her boyfriend talked to her she didn't seem to listen. When last hour ended and. Zachary came to take her home she had, had enough of it all.

"Just go home without me" she yelled at him

Zachary stared at her confused

"What's with you today you've been such a bitch"

Heather smacked him

"Don't talk to me like that" she yelled

"Stop acting like one you no what heather I love you but I can't deal with you it's over!" At that heather turned and ran into the woods she just wanted to be alone.

Luca's pov:

Luca hadn't been in a school in forever, is looks deceived everyone from his true age. But he had actually enjoyed his time with heather. But no matter how much he didn't want to for her safety he had to tell her the truth.. Her transformation had already begun.

heathers pov:

Heathers face was wiped by the relentless. Branches of trees and bushes as she ran through the woods. Her back screamed in pain,it was as if something was trying to rip its way out. She finally came upon a small group of rocks, she sat down crying her eyes out.

"Everything is going wrong!" She yelled

"Why can't I just be normal!"

All of a sudden a great wind blew and a familiar voice answered her..

"Because,your special."

Heather whipped around to see luca,a shirtless luca....a shirtless luca with huge wings.

"Aaaaaahhhh" she cried

She tried to run away but she couldn't because luca was holding her before she could even have the chance to.

"Your okay i promise I won't hurt you,just let me explain" he said calmly

"Oh,you have a whole lot to explain then!"

His lips brushed her head and she shivered her body reacting to one simple touch.

She sighed

"Okay,talk away"she said defeated.

Luca's pov:

It wasnt hard to find heather. She was louder than an elephant in a china shop as she ran through the woods.he didn't want to scare her but it must be done. He dove toward her landing perfectly. She looked up at him and screamed. He smiled as she tried to run but he grabbed her a lighting connection went through him desire for her came out of him in hot waves.... He held her trying to let her understand he wasnt going to hurt her.. After a little bit of bribing she finally let him explain.

"We are part of an ancient race...the humans have named us angels but we are much greater.unfortunately we have been wiped out buy an ancient evil we call the rucins." He paused a sadness deeper than the oceans clouded his eyes "I am the last of us that I know of, other than you and a couple others that have took to hiding."but I know there are more we just have to find them before its too late!" He looked at get his eyes looked expectantly .

"Look this angel stuff is cool and all but I'm not your girl here"

Luca's eyes filled with anger and he pulled out a glowing knife.he ripped her shirt off to reveal two large red marks on her back.

Heather screamed but nothing came out.

"Don't hurt me please!!!!" She yelled crying

Luca stabbed one of the lines tearing it straight down revealing a bloody feathered mess. When he was down with the other one he noticed she had passed out.

Luca hated what he had to do but he knew it was right.he picked her up and carried her to a large cabin in the woods by a lake.

The chosen one had been found.....

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