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Heather'a pov:

Heather awoke on a soft warm king bed. She had no clue where she was or how she got here, but she had a faint fuzzy memory of luca and a forest. Heather sat up and looked around, the room was very homey with a small fire place and woodland decorations. She tried to stand up but she couldn't every time she tried her back screamed in pain.

"Ugh!!!" She cried out

She heard foot steps comeing towards her,and with the last of her strength she rolled of the bed and onto the floor with a big (thump). The door opened revealing luca. Heather let out a breath that she didn't know she had been holding.

"Heather let me help you" luca said with concern

"Where....where are we" she chocked out

"I'll explain everything later I promise but for now you need to rest."

At that he picked her up and laid her on the bed, carefull not to damage the wings that she had not yet noticed.

"Don't leave me...."

Luca nodded and laid down next to her covering her up an the laying atop the blankets. Heather felt safe and warm..

Luca's pov:

He had cleaned off heathers battered and bloody wings and back carefully wrapped them and laid her in the guest bedroom.he felt like crap,for havering to do this to her but it would cause her less pain than letting them come in on there own. Right now she was fast asleep and he was siting in the livening room stareing into the fire.

Luca heard a loud thump and followed the sound to find heather on the floor her back wrappings comeing loose.he noticed she hadn't even noticed her wings.

"Heather let me help you" he said picking her up and laying her on the bed.

"Where....where are we"

"I'll explain everything later I promise , but for now you need to rest"

"Don't leave me" she told him

Those words warmed his body.

He nodded slowly,and laid down next to her. When sh was asleep he put his arm around her his wrist acedentaly touching her birth tattoo . A lighting fast jolt went through him it felt like the fire of a thousand volcano s she must have felt this to cause she screamed.

"What just happened" she yelled

"We just aligned with each other..."

"We did what!!!??"

"We aligned..we found out mate..."

"Who is my mate??"

"I am..." Dread filled his voice

"!!" She almost growled.

"When our kind are born we are born with special tattoo's or as the humans say birthmarks. But ours are different, ours make us who we are and when a female or a male touch together and if they are ment to be the tattoo's align with each other. But in order for the pair to become one they must bond together..."

Heather stared in shock

"You want me to have sex with uou!!!!!" She screamed at him

"You are my other half heather the fates have made that can't deny the connection between us."

Fire burned in her eyes.

She tried to get up but it was clear she would hurt herself even more.

Luca grabbed her softly and pulled her to him warmth spread through him. She looked at him and gave up the battel between them.


Hope y'all like this chapter wonder what will happen next??? Vote and comment love y'all!!!!

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