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~Calum Hood~

"I don't like you. I was using you, and you were naive enough to believe that I meant the three words I said while we were 'making love'. Reality check honey, you.Were.Used. And you mean absolutely nothing to me." He said right into her face, watching as the sad liquid poured from her eyes, staining her warm red cheeks.

All he wanted was to wipe those tears with his thumb and lock their lips, tell her how much she means to him, he wanted to engulf her and stroke her hair. He just wanted to name her his.

But, he can't. She belongs to the man her father is going to make her marry. He family is short on money, snd she has to marry him to live the life she deserves...

Calum finished a chapter of his story, publishing it. He was halfway editing a chapter of one of his copmleted storie, when his notification beeped.

·Book_worm_i_am, i_love_starbxcks and 15 others voted on your story.

·Book_worm_i_am and three others commented on your story.

He clicked to see the comments, smiling at the compliments he recieved. But the commeng of Book_worm_i_am caught his eye.

Book_worm_i_am Just when i thought I found a new story that isn't like any other, here you come and go all cliche. your story was something else, you are a special writer but you ruined it, i hope for a twist getting back the unpredictable events.

Calum frowned, but clicked on the user.

Name: No need

Username: Book_worm_i_am

Followers: 45

Following: 0

Books: 0
Bio: all you need to know is that i am a nerd, obsessed with books and sassy as heck.

I am 16 (i change the age often) and i want to be a princess. Jk idk what i want to be.

Hobies: reading, eating, reading, eating, reading, reading, eating, oh and did i mention reading and eating? Yeah, well that too

I am lame as a carrot.

Location: no need to know stalker.

Calum just shrugged and exited her profile not wanting to be creepy, being greeted by new votes and comments. And he eventually forgot all about that girl, smiling and replying to the comments.

A/n: so i hope you guys liked it cause i did. Don't worry it will eventually get more exiting and even longer chapters. But for now i will stick with this.


- Houda XxX <3

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