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"Okay mom, yes I understand I will tell him. Bye" with a sigh I hang up and turn towards Nick. "Hey. hurry up we are going to miss our flight if you don't get your ass out of this chair!"

"But M we've been packing all night, why do we have to leave so early?" He whines throwing his hands up in the air.

"Well who's fault is it that we went to this stupid party?" I said already fed up with his complains. Seriously Nick is like a child sometimes, you have to tell him to do something at least 10 times until he actually considers to do it.

"It was a goodbye party, I couldn't miss it." He looks at me pleadingly, oh yes you better not piss me off anymore before I explode. "You enjoyed it anyway, why complaining so much did you not get laid?" That shut me up, he knows better than anyone about my sex life and before you make any assumptions no, I am not some whore that goes sleeping around and Nick knows that. He has the habit of slipping out inappropriate things at the wrong moment.

Figuring this might be my chance of getting him to stand up I pick my bags and start heading towards the door, but not before whispering "I will be outside waiting in the cab." In the next five seconds I hear him stand up and pick his own bags coming up next to me and saying "Sorry, was I not supposed to say that? It just slipped M I'm sorry, please forgive me" I continue walking to the car not muttering a word.

Once we've settled in with me still not talking and him begging me to say something I mentally pat myself on the back while grinning 'mission accomplished' "What mission M?" Oh shit, did I say that out loud? "Um, nothing for you to worry about"

"Oh, so you are talking to me now, what's with the sudden change of heart?" he asks raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing Nick just drop it please" I say sternly causing him to roll his eyes "Women" he mutters earning a slap on his shoulder.

The 4 hours we spent on the plane were spent with me reading my book and Nick sleeping. I was in desperate need of a cigarette, and yes I've been smoking for about a year and a half now, so is Nick. One night we were on a party and of course because my cousin Caroline was there she promised not to drink and take us home. You can figure what happened, me Nick and some friends were messing around, then someone brought some cigarettes and boom! The next morning we woke up stinking of nicotine and having the sudden urge of smoking. And I guess we were still a little bit drunk thinking that if we smoke some of the headache will go away but it didn't and we kept on doing it until we ran out of cigarettes. I guess I could make a guide of how to get addicted for less than 24 hours.

"Ladies and gentleman, fasten up your seat belts we will be landing on Seattle airport in 15 minutes. Thank you for travelling with our airline." Okay,time to wake up sleeping beauty. "Nick, wake up we're going to land in fifteen minutes" Nothing. I decide to shake him a little "Nick, come on you need to wake up!" Still nothing. Sitting up a little and getting my hand ready I scream "Nick!" just as I slap him across the face earning a few gasps and disapproving looks from the people sitting next to us. "Ouch! What was that for?" He sits up frowning and holding his already red cheek.

"Well you didn't want to wake up and I didn't have a bucket of water so this was my only option. Forgive me Nicky!" I beg pouting.

"Okay I guess I deserved it. I know I'm a heavy sleeper."He grins.

We've already arrived, and guess what? His aunt is not here! Nick has been calling her for half an hour already and she hasn't answered. After waiting for another 15 minutes we saw a pink Porsche parking outside the house. Seriously, a pink Porsche? Do they even make those, oh wait rich people. They can get anything they want. Why am I even surprised, by the looks of the house this woman is loaded.

"Nicky! You have grown so much!" She exclaims running on her pink heels towards him, what's up with this woman and the color pink? "And you must be Maya. Oh honey you are so beautiful!" she says with a wide grin.

"Thank you."I answer extending my hand but she just slaps it away and hugs me. Just as I am about to return the hug Nick asks "Where have you been aunt Bella, we've been waiting for you for almost an hour."

"Sorry Nicky, I was busy with some work. I am leaving tomorrow morning after I drop you off at school" She says with an apologetic sigh.

"We are going to school tomorrow?" I ask terrified

"Yes, you are really lucky to get a place in the school. Many kids like you try to get in every year but end up going to the schools in other areas." is she trying to make us feel better, because if she is it is not working. "Okay let's get you settled in, shall we?" she claps her hands together, oh wait her nails are also pink. Please tell me the house is not all pink and flours, because if it is I might need to get rid of the chicken sandwich I had at the airport.

"Kids, these are your two rooms, Maya yours is on the left and Nick's the one opposite. Feel free to explore." Opening the door to the room I sigh of relief. The walls are painted in green and the carpet is beige. It is all black furniture and it has two doors, one of them is a normal sized closet and the other one is a bathroom with the biggest bath tub I've seen in my life, and I almost forgot about the queen sized bed in the middle of the room. I think I'm going to like Seattle.

After I take a shower and put my pajamas on I decide to take a nap. I don't know when I fell asleep but it sure was one of the best sleeps I've had in a while.


Okay you guys, I am happy I started this book and I hope you like it. This is UNEDITED so please be patient. Chapter 1 will be up tonight or tomorrow.

Till then xox,


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