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"Brambleclaw!" Squrrielflight called her mate's name. Brambleclaw turned and saw Squirrelflight running up to him. Squirrelflight looked happy for some reason.

"What is it?" Brambleclaw prompted. Squirrelflight skidded to a halt.

"We have kits!" Squirrelflight replied. Brambleclaw's amber eyes brightened.

"Really? That's great!" Squirrelflight nodded.

"They're in the nursery," the dark ginger queen told the ThunderClan deputy and scurried over to the nursery, disappearing into it. Brambleclaw followed at a slower pace and disappeared into it. Leafpool was crouched by an empty nest that carried Squirrelflight's scent and the medicine cat's eyes were full of warmth. Brambleclaw looked at Squirrelflight's nest and noticed three kits squirming about, letting out the occasional mew. One was a she-kit who had a black pelt while one of the other two was a tom. The tomcat had a golden pelt with tabby stripes. Lastly the final kit was also a tom, who had a grey pelt with tabby stripes.

"They're beautiful," Brambleclaw commented on his three new-born kits as he watched them squirm about on the mossy nest.

"The she-kit is Hollykit and the golden tom is Lionkit. I'm not sure what the grey tabby could be called," Squirrelflight mewed to Brambleclaw. Leafpool looked up at her sister.

"It could be called Jaykit," the brown medicine cat suggested. Squirrelflight thought about the name Leafpool had suggested. She looked at Brambleclaw.

"What do you think about Jaykit?"

"I think it's a great name," Brambleclaw replied without hesitation. Squirrelflight looked away from her mate to look down at Leafpool.

"The tabby will be Jaykit," she confirmed. Firestar and Sandstorm came into the nursery and padded over to Squirrelflight, Leafpool and Brambleclaw.

"Congratulations," Sandstorm congratulated Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw.

"Thanks, Sandstorm," Brambleclaw mewed to the pale ginger she-cat. Firestar stared down at the three kits and his eyes clouded.

"Are you okay?" Squirrelflight asked her father as she noticed his green eyes were clouded. Firestar looked at her.

"Yes," he replied, his eyes no longer clouded. "What are their names?"

"Hollykit, Lionkit and Jaykit," Brambleclaw replied.

"Those are wonderful names," Firestar commented.

"Thank you," Squirrelflight mewed.

"I'm going to the medicine den," Leafpool mewed, walking away.

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