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(Only ship platonically, don't ship as a romantic one)
Longtail was curled on his nest in the elders' den. His clear gaze stared blankly ahead of him at the bramble wall of the den. He let out a sigh. Being an elder was good, especially since apprentice's cleared out your ticks and you got fed fresh-kill first. Still, Longtail slightly missed being a warrior. Free, catching prey. . . But with Mousefur, another fellow elder, around Longtail didn't find it as bad.

Peeking a glance at where he thought Mousefur was, the dusky brown she-cat opened one eye.

"Couldn't get to sleep?" she whispered as Purdy was still sleeping.

"Not really. I've just kind of been thinking about my life as a warrior," Longtail whispered back.

"Why don't we go for a walk to pass the time? I'll guide you," Mousefur suggested.

"Okay," Longtail replied to the offer and began getting onto his paws. Mousefur began guiding the cream tom out of the elders' den with her tail.

Fresh air flooded through Longtail's nostrils as he breathed in the air. As Mousefur and him were closer to leaving the Stone Hollow, the sweet forest scent flooded through Longtail. It was great to be out of the elders' den for a walk once in a while.

"Hey, Mousefur?" Mousefur turned her head to look at Longtail.


"I really appreciate all the times you've helped me. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be dead," Longtail mewed.

"Well, some cat had to," Mousefur said. "My old bones can still serve my Clan."

"Of course, of course," Longtail meowed. "I was wondering if. . ." The cream warrior started becoming lost for words. Mousefur blinked.

"You were wondering if what?"

"If, er, you wanted to be my mate?" Mousefur hesitated. She had no intention of having a mate, but Longtail. . . He was different from the other toms Mousefur knew.

"Okay," the dusky brown she-cat confirmed and Longtail's clear gaze brightened up.

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