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Chapter III: The Chain

After Apollyon ate in an awkward silence -surprisingly no hitting- after breakfast he went back to his old abandoned room. He went to grab his mother's diary from his unmade bed, but the dairy was gone.

"When I never look for the diary it pops out of no where." He said out loud. He need more details then what Rico gave him. The Diary was the key to his questions. That's why the witch- Sara- have givin it to him.

The diary was a hard thing to find. He looked everywhere. He sigh deeply giving up finding the old book. He laid down on his bed looking at the cieling. The chain around his neck fall from under his saggy grey shirt hitting his exposed neck. It was cold when it made contact with his skin.

He touch the smooth metal and picked it up. Admiring it's pointed tips. He could hardly see its symbol from his postion, he rub the top of it feeling shock waves going up his right arm. Instantly he let go of the chain. Moving from the bed. His arm grew stiff and numb.

"What's happening?" The stiff feeling was moving to his upper body and he feared he was going to be stuck there forever.

After a few mintues, his arm and upper body was back to regular. He quickly took the chain off. Holding in it steadily in his palm. He seen his blood dripping from the tip of the chain. The sun figure symbol glowed brightly enough to show the exact design the chain posses.

The chain began to shake in his very hands and the lighting in the room went down to almost black.

It has been only a day since then Moon Goddess had visit Apollyon. The scene before him look almost like it, but more importantly the room start to feel like a home. He wasn't nerves or scared. He was comfortable, impatient if anything else.

"Apollyon, my child!" The voice was barley a whisper, sending a cool breath on Apollyon left ear. He didn't jump or flinch.

He stared blankly in front of him, seeing a woman who was glowing before his eys. Orange eyes, flowing brown hair and sharp nose was only seen by him. He didn't care about any other feature. He didnt notice how her scent was over powering the whole room. When his father finds out another- let alone a Goddess -was in this very room. Apollyon can forget his 16 birthday.

"You have summoned me?" She came closer to his fragile body noticing his new details since the last time she seen him.

Unlike Apollyon, everyone else can see the difference in his body. His new tan was just the beginning. His gain of 20 pounds now adding to his 85 pounds. His eyes are getting full, he grew 8 inches to his old 5 '7', his chest stretched out showing his body is starting to build muscle.

"My child you look better then ever!" She complimented him.

"Thank you." Apollyon breath was even and came out as a fog.

"Are you cold?" She tilt her head to the side absorbing him again.

"No Ma'am." She shake her head in approval.

"Why have you summoned me?" She ask again. Her eyes start to burn a flame and her hair start to turn a dark crimson red.

"I don't know how, I accidently pick my finger on my mother's old chain." He raise the chain up towards the unknown women's face.

"This is a special chain. Let no one see it. If it lands in the wrong hands, whom ever held it can cause danager, destruction, and possible the end of the world." She began never taking her eyes off the chain. "The chain shall never leave your neck! You only summon me when in great need. Not just for the fun of it. Only the greatest of the great can hold the chain with out consequences." The women walked towards the window where the moon was showing brighter then ever.

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