Chapter 4

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Harry's P.O.V

She was so little in my arms,I couldn't believe that the small 8 year old I left is now a beautiful grown up girl.

"I missed you."She whispered still hugging me.

"I promised to be back."I smiled.

"And you did."She pulled back.

"Awww it has been my dream to see my babies under the same roof."Mom entered.

"How was your day?"Mom asked Annabella.

"Great I thank the Lord."Annabella simply said.

It made me notice that what my mom said was true,Annabella did have a close relationship with God.

Something I never had and didn't imagine myself having...ever.

"I will go prepare food you catch up lovelies."Mom said and went into the kitchen as we both sat down.

"You are so grown up."I smiled and she blushed

"How was America?"She asked.

"Super."I joke.

"You are still in school right?"I asked her.

"Yeah first highschool year."She shrugged.

"Tough?"I asked again and she just smiled.

It was weird how she acted...every movement every smile she was like a saint....

It was weird for a bit,all that silence but Annabella didn't appear to be bothered.

After mom made dinner Annabella excused herself to go change.I took my chance of asking mom the million questions in my head.

"Mom what the hell is wrong with her?"I asked whispering

"Wrong?Honey Annabella is perfect,girls her age are now smoking and drinking even some moved out already."Mother said with a very clear frown.

She was right,but something deep down was afraid of what will happen next.

Annabella came back down and sat with us silently as we ate dinner.After we finished I was tired and headed to my room to sleep.As I went up Annabella's door was open and I could see that she wasn't there through the crack.I pushed the door slowly

"Annabella?"I whispered.

Her window was open and I could see two legs dangeling from it.

I popped my head out of the window.

"Hello saint."I joked

"Hello sinner."She smiled

"Wow I just got a Hello from the other side....the saint side."I joked and she laughed

"Come up."She gestured and I climbed out of the window to sit beside her

"Do you always sit here?"I asked and she nodded.

"You don't talk much."I poked her side.

"What is there to talk about?"She asked

"Well first I got you this...."I said and take her gift out of my pocket.

"What is this?"She asked.

"Open it."I smiled as she did.

"Harry you didn't have to."She smiled widely.

I got her a braclet with small Tulips on it.

"I love it."She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Your welcome now get in it is getting cold."I said and she nodded then we both climbed in.

I headed to my room and laid in bed thinking about how Annabella turned out to be such a beautiful girl...

The other morning

I woke up to my mother shaking me.

"Get up get up get up."She said.

"What is it?"I yawned.

"Someone is here to see you."She giggled.

"Noooooo."I screamed dramatically.

"Come on."She smiled.

"Look mom I am not getting married to that woman."I said.

"I didn't say I want you to get married Harold."She crossed her arms.

"You kept sending me her pictures and talking about how great she is every time  we called or texted."I laughed

"Atleast get down and meet her please...pretty please."She pouted

"Fine."I huffed

"Good be down in five."She clapped her hands and got out.

I let out a sigh.

It is weird I have never liked any girl before,none are interesting.

I washed my face and put some sweatpants and a proper shirt then got down.

"Morning."A girl my age stood up,she had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Morning."I smiled back.

"Harry this is Ashely she works at the hospital with me,Ashely this is my son Harry."Mom smiled.

"Hey Harry I have heard alot about you."Ashly shook  my hand and I shook hers putting the fakest smile ever.

"I have to go,Harry Ashely can show you around."Mom said before leaving.

"Okay...ummm excuse me while I change..."I told her and got back uo to change

This will be a long day...

I spent the whole day with Ashely and she is annoying as fuck.Her voice gives me a headache and she likes to touch me....alot.

After the tour that seemed never to end, ended I entered the living room and a note caught my eye.

Will be late bud please make sure Annabella comes safe

I waited for her for three hourse but she didn't come so I decided to head to the church and check on her.

Yikes....first time in a church...infront of God....Is Annabella really worth that risk...Yes...No?....Yes.

I put on a jacket and walked to the church that wasn't very far.I opened the doors when I reached it and saw Annabella sitting there.

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