1: New Town

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"We're here!" Mom basically shouted as she stopped the car. She turned and looked at me, "What do you think?"
She gestured to the white house in front of us. It had a wrap around porch and it had two stories.

"It looks really nice." I said, staring at the house. "Its big."

"Wait till you see the inside." She smiled, opening her car door and walked into the house. I turned and saw my little sister sleeping softly, her blonde hair sticking up everywhere, how she didn't wake up from Mom's shouting, I don't know.

"Summer." I said, poking her leg, "We're here."

"Nnn." She groaned,opening her eyes, "Really?"

"Yeah, come on sleepy head." I continued to poke her. She opened her eyes and blinked, "Is that our house?"

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p', "Come on, Mom's already inside."

"It's so big." She said, unbucking her seatbelt. I laughed and opened my door and waddled into the house, stretching my legs. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mom wandering around, awestruck as I was. Summer and I both had Mom's blonde hair and blue eyes, I got the tall genes from Dad and Mom's hourglass shape. Most of the time people mistake Mom for our sister rather than our parent. Mom had her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide, running her hand down the sleek granite counters.

I laughed, pulled out my phone and snapped a picture of her face. She blinked, "Did you take a picture of me?"

"Yes, you should have seen your face." I giggled, imitating her. Summer walked in, "What's so funny?"
I showed her the picture and she giggled. Mom walked over a took my phone.
"That is kinda funny." She laughed, "So guys, do you like the house?"
Summer and I nodded. "Well you're going to like it more." Mom grabbed our hands and dragged us to the backyard. Mom opened the french doors and led us onto the porch which looked out onto the beach.

"Ta Daaa." Mom did jazz hands and Summer and I squealed.
"Last one to the water is a rotten egg!" I yelled, running onto the white sand. Summer laughed and started running after me.
Mom just shook her head, "I'll get the bags from the car!" She walked back inside.
I got to the water first and Summer came up behind me and huffed, "You got a head start."

"No," I replied, splashing her, "I'm just older so I run faster."
Summer ran at me, shoving me into the warm water. She doubled over laughing, and I pulled her down with me. We laughed and splashed eachother until Mom called us back in.

"Guys you might want to see your rooms, but you have to dry off first." Mom handed me and Summer a towel and gestured for us to follow.

"The moving guys already put your boxes in your room when you were out in the water."

We climbed up the stairs and Mom stopped and openned a door leading to a bright room, "Summer, this is your room." Summer squealed and ran in.
Mom lead me to the room across from Summer's, "Skye, this is your room."

The room was big and it had teal walls, my favorite color. It was filled with brown boxes and a giant canopy bed already set up. And it had french doors leading to a balcony and a private bathroom.

"Woah." I breathed

"You unpack and I'll order pizza for dinner." Mom said, walking out of the room.

"Don't forget to get pepperoni!" I shouted after her. She chuckled and walked down the stairs. I sat on my bed and started opening boxes, pulling out my belongings.

One box had all my pictures neatly stacked. I grabbed some pins and started putting them on my wall. The pictures were all different, some was with my friends, some of the ocean, some of the woods when my family went camping, and one of Dad. When I was finished putting them up, they cover half of the wall.

"That's so cool."

I jumped, and turned around to see Summer gaping at my wall, "You scared me!"

She shrugged, "Sorry Skye, I love your wall though. Does that help?"

"Yeah, only a little bit though." I pinched my fingers together and gently pushed her. She pushed me back, "Mom says the pizza is here."

"Then lets eat! Shall we?" I giggled and held out my arm.

"We shall." Summer laughed hooking her arm in mine. We skipped down the stairs and headed into the kitchen where Mom was already eatting a slice of pizza. Me and Summer unhooked arms and grabbed a slice.

After dinner we watched a movie until Summer fell asleep and Mom sent me to bed. I entered my room and changed into my dorky teddy bear pajamas (after searching through the boxes) and flopped onto my bed, turning off the lights.

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