2: Cofffffeeeee

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"Skye!" I heard running and my bed dipped in sudder weight. "Wake up!" The bed started bouncing

I groaned, turning over "Nnnoo."

"Come on! Mom is going to take us around the town and we're going to take surfing lessons."

I opened my eyes and saw Summer bouncing on my bed. "Surfing?" I asked,

She nodded, "She said she needs coffee first though."

I sat up, "When are we leaving?"

"In 30 minutes." She replied with energy I could only hope for in the morning. I waved my hand at her, "Shoo then, I need to get ready."

Summer jumped off the bed and ran out of the room and shouted, "Mom! She's up!"

I chuckled and walked into my bathroom. I turned on the shower and took off my clothes. I walked in and let the hot water wake up my senses.

After getting out of the shower and searching for clothes, I decided to wear a teal bikini and A cream cardigan that reached down to my knees. I paired it with my beige sandals. I dried my hair and threw it up in a high ponytail after running a brush through it. I grabbed my aviators and walked out of my room.

Satisfied with my look, I walked down stairs to find Mom and Summer sitting at the kitchen island.

"Finally!" Summer said, throwing her hands in the air.
Mom grabbed her purse and keys, "Come on guys, I need my coffee."

"Same here." I waved my hand and smiled. I followed her to the car, "Shotgun!" I yelled running to the front seat. I heard Summer groaning and Mom just laughed.

We drove out past the small shops and stopped at a cafe called CoffeeBean. I stepped out of the car and walked up with Summer and Mom into the cafe.

"Mom, I'll have a Iced Carmel Mocha." I said, pulling out a five dollar bill and handed it to her. Summer asked for a latte and she followed me to the small lounge.

I sat down on the leather couch and sighed. Summer sat next to me and poked my side, I looked at her and smiled "Do you like our new home?"

"Yeah, its pretty cool." She shrugged, I poked her "Just cool?" I chuckled.

"Fine, it's awesome." She laughed. Mom walked over and handed me my mocha and handed Summer her latte.

"The surfing lesson is at 2:30, so I'm letting you guys explore Oceanside until then. Summer, we're going to get you some swimming gear and Skye you can look around, here's some money. We'll meet here at 2:00, okay?" She handed me a twenty and sipped her coffee.

"Okay" I nodded. Summer sighed and got up and followed Mom to her car. I sipped my coffee and waved goodbye to them. As they drove off I got up and left the cafe and walked down the boardwalk. I looked at the beach and shielded my eyes from the sun. I watched the water and didn't pay attention to where I was walking. I ran into a guy and spilled my coffee all over his pants.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." I said, looking up at the guy. He glared at me and took at step back.

"Really?" He snapped, "I just got dryed off!" I stared at him, he was in red swimming shorts which had a giant wet brown stain in the front and his black hair looked damp. His green eyes glared at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't watch where I was going." I sputtered, realizing I was staring.

"Of course you didn't." He snapped, he looked at me and blinked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Are you new in town?"

"Yeah." I answered,

He glared at me, "Well I'll let you off easy then, since you're new." He crossed his arms, "Ace Reynolds." He said as if it meant something.

"Skye Blake. I'm really sorry for spilling my coffee on you." I said, "What can I do to help?"

"Just don't do it again." He snapped and pushed pass me.

I sighed and picked up my fallen coffee cup. A girl bended down and picked up my coffee cup lid and gave it to me. She had dark chocolate brown hair and blue eyes that looked at me with amusement.

"I see you ran into Ace." She chuckled, "don't mind him, he is just a spoiled brat, thinking he's the king of this small town. I'm May." She stuck out her hand.

I shook it "I'm Skye. Nice to meet you."

"You too. You're new, correct? Or you would've avoided running into Ace."

"Yeah, I probably should avoid him now that I know he has such a temper."

May laughed. "Yep thats Ace for ya. Are you going into Senior year? Please say yes, I've been with the same people all of my life."

"Yeah actually I am." I nudged her, "What's wrong with the people in Oceanside? Everyone seemed nice, well except Ace."

"Well after awhile people tend to get little annoying."

"Well, you must be glad that I'm here."

"I am." May smiled, "Do you want a tour of this small town?"

"That would be awesome."

May helped me find a trashcan to throw away the empty coffee cup and lid. Surprisingly enough, I didn't get any coffee on myself with the run in with The 'King'. May showed me around the small boardwalk shops. And she told me about how there were rocks by the beach that were safe enough to jump off of. She promised to take me there later. By the time the tour was done it was 2:26 and May and I walked back to CoffeeBean. When we came in Summer and Mom were already there, sitting on the leather couches. Summer waved at me and I chuckled.

"That's your sister?" May asked, looking at Summer

"Yeah, she's very hyper active, but that's what I love that about her." I shurgged and May smiled.

"I wished I had a sister. All I have is two over protective brothers, Luke and James. They would scare away every guy who got within a 10 feet radius around me."

I shook my head and laughed. I tugged her arm and walked over to Mom and Summer. I hope they like my new friend.

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