4: Cliff Jumping

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So sorry for not updating, Christmas time is really busy for me, and I'm not getting any inspriation. I don't want the chapters to be really short either, so it might take a while before my writing picks up. Sorry, and thank you reading this. :)

"So I hear you surf." Ace asked, for some unknown reason Austin and Ace (A/N Should I call them the Destructive Duo?) decided that it was okay for them to swim with us. Ace stating that he was a lifeguard and he needed to watch us because we were being 'unsafe'. Austin just wanted to mess with May. I was casually reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets, when Ace sauntered up and ploped down on the sand and yanked the book out of my hand.

"I'm learning how to surf, and I was reading that." I snapped. Reaching over to grab the book. Ace moved the book away and leaned back, smirking.

"Learning yeh?"

"No." I scowled at him and reached over to grab the book again.

"No what? You can't possibly read my mind." Ace tapped the side of his head with his other hand. And leaned further back and I leaned forward, stretching across his torso, he looked at me with his signature smirk and his eyebrows quirked, he was challenging me. I reached again but my hand I was balancing on slide on the wet sand and I fell ontop of Ace. He tried to catch me with his other hand but ended up grabbing my hip. I squeaked and looked at him, my surprised face mirroring his.

"I knew it." He muttered, looking away. "I just wanted to offer my services for surfing?."

I squirmmed and tried to get off of him but his hand had a firm grip on my hip. I sighed and poked his cheek, "Can you let go of my hip?"

He looked down at his hand peeled his fingers off. Once I was free, I jumped off of him and screamed, "Freedom!" And sprinted toward the water. When I looked back I saw Ace getting up and brushing the sand off his legs and muttering under his breath.

I jumped into the water and dived under the waves toward May, who was playing a game with Austin. I resurfaced and May turned and looked at me, "What was that about?"

"You saw that?"

"Your pterodactyl screech drew enough attention." Austin shouted from the side, "May, are we going to continue our game?"

"What are you playing?" I asked, splashing water toward Austin. May smiled, "Oh we're playing tag."

My eyes widened and I slowly swam away from the both of them. "Who's it?"

Austin and May shared and devilish look and they both swam toward me. "Guess." They said in unison,

I looked around for escape as I was backed up against the rocks. "I rather not." I said, looking back at May and Austin. May was closer to me, so I did the first thing that came to my mind, "May!" I shouted, "if you're it, I'll get you icecream for you to not tag me."

She stopped and smirked," Bribery will get you nowhere."
I looked around for Austin. He was nowhere to be found.
"Crap." I muttered and tried to swim somewhere safe. I looked toward the shore and saw that Ace was no longer there.

I looked back to Mae who was now gone, "Oh no, oh no." I muttered. I swam toward the shore and as I kicked my legs, I was suddenly lifted up and was being carried toward the stairs up to the cliff. I squirmed and looked at my captors, Ace, Austin, and Mae, all laughing and swinging me back and forth while I was complaining and trying to bargain with them.

When we reached the top and they were holding me over the edge of the it, and safe enough distance away so I didn't get hurt by hitting the edge of the of the cliff.

"Ace!" I pleaded, "Ace, you're a lifeguard, this isn't safe."

He shrugged, "This is safe enough," they started swinging me and Ace looked at me, "But I'm off duty."

And they let me go.

I turned my body and rolled into a flip, if they were going to drop me off the cliff, better make the jump worth it.

I hit the light blue water, I kicked up and resurfaced, taking a deep breath. I tilted my view upward and saw the three waving, laughing, and high fiving each other.

"PREPARE FOR PAYBACK!" I yelled. They looked at me and Austin disappeared from my view, I swam back and gave him some room. He jumped off the cliff screaming, "FOR NARNIA!" Holding his arm out like he was holding a sword.

Mae was next, doing a cannon ball and just plain screamig. Ace, on the other hand, ran off the cliff singing the Batman theme song, really off tone.

We all were laughing and Ace started a splash war, making a big wave with his hands. Hitting me with a wave a water, which I promptly returned with a push to his chest.

When we were all tired and walking on the shore with towels wrapped around our bodies, I walked beside to Ace.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer." I said,

He looked at me and smiled, "Okay then, practice starts tomorrow at 8 in the morning, but this time, don't spill any coffee on me."

Maybe, I thought, Just maybe, Ace isn't such a bad guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2015 ⏰

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