The Client List1: The Mirror: Chapter 15

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The five girls got off the bus and stared at the endless beaches and stores "wow!" Jen exclaimed "Okinawa rocks!" "yes, but it's a shame that Aron could not join us" oh my, yes, your right" "wow, you two speak way to formally." "what?" "oh dear!" "were so very sorry!" "we don't mean to" "yes, it's just how we were raised!" "that's right, were so very sorry! Does it bother you?" "yes, yes, does it? If so" "we can try to make it up to you!" "uh... n-no, its alright" Jen replied "thank you" the two girls said. "this way, our hotel is that big one there" "Elana! It's huge! It must have cost a fortune! Please tell me you got a regular room" "ha ha, sorry, no, I didn't. I got the biggest suite they had" "eh?" "hm? Whats the matter sweetie?" "uh-uh- n-nothing... it's nothing... really. So we are all sleeping in one big suite?" "what? Ha ha, no, of course not. I had to get two suites, and there both connected" "oh! That sounds delightful!" "ha ha, I hope you guys enjoy, but Kiya and I have dibs on the room with the rose bath" ha ha, OK So what does the other room have?" "a plasma screen .TV A mini bar, snack fridge, and a hot tub" "oh! This shall bet the first time we have ever" "been in a room so" "elegant! And big" "thank you so very much" the twins said. Jen burst out laughing "awww! You guys are so cute!" "pardon?" " how sometimes you finish each others sentences and sometimes you two are in perfect muse! It's just so cute! Plus, to make it even cuter you are two very attractive identical twins! And you are always holding hands! So cute!" Moka smirked "heh, that's not all we do" "Moka!" "what?" "there still children!" "yo! Who the hell are you calling children?" Jen snapped "oh dear, I guess your right, but what about" " Elana and Kiya?" "yes" "hmm, ha ha I highly doubt they are" "still children" "but we know for a fact" "Jen is still a child" Jen cocked her head "huh/ what are you guys talking about?" the other four girls bent there heads down sigh " Elana, Mika, Moka... I don't think she'd understand even if we told her straight out" "ya, your probably right. Even if we told her in deep detail, she still wouldn't understand" "yes, I suppose.. lets go in already" "indeed, I want to go swimming' "and we're hungry" "OK, lets go then" "hayyyyy! You guys aren't giving me enough credit! Hay! Come on! What are you guys talking about? Hay come on please!" the five girls walked in the hotel and went to the front desk. "hello, I'm ms. Elana Rommel, I have reservations" "oh yes, right this way." the girls followed the lady to the sixth floor " OK, here we are" the girls looked at the numbers on the door. The numbers were 665 and 666. Elana sighed "what is it about this number, it keeps following me" "this is so creepy" "oh dear" "wow, you got some bad luck don't ya Elana" "ha ha, ya, I guess so, but I've got Kiya, so I'm happy" "aww that's cute" "um... heh heh, l-lets go in now... people are starting to stare" "oh dear!" "if they wanna stare, lets give them something to stare at" "huh?" you three go in and settle down, we'll go get us some lunch" " allrighty then" "very well" "return soon" "yes, soon" The three girls walked in the room; Kiya and Elana were left in the long hall "w-what are we doing out here?" "nothing" "eh? Then why are we standing out here? So people could stare at something... interesting" "what are you talking-" Elana pinned Kiya to the wall and smirked " your hearts pounding faster than normal, why is that?" Kiya blushed and turned her head to the side and closed her eyes "E-Elana... n-no... s-stop" Elana smiled and lifted Kiyas skirt to her thigh. Kiya yelped "w-what are you-" Elana licked the side of her face and kissed her neck "gah!" Somehow, Elana managed to get her room door open. Elana closed the door behind her and pushed Kiya on the bed "gah! N-no..." "shh, we wouldn't want the others to hear us, now would we" "n-" "Hats what I thought" Elana unbuttoned Kiyas shirt and kissed her chest. Kiya yelped and put her hands on Elanas forehead, trying to break free "s-stop!" Kiyas hands became warm then a green glow surrounded her hands and shocked Elana so much, she flew backwards through the wall. Elana got up and walked back in the room, she raised her hands and said a chant, then the wall was fixed. Kiya sat up from the bed and looked at her hands "w-what was-" " I thought I had more time" "had more time? With what?" "the human you" "the... what? What are you talking about?" "your not human, I had a feeling you were the hundredth decedent, but I wasn't sure" "what? What are you talking about?" Elana walked over to the bed and frowned "eh? W-what is going on? Ealana! Tell me whats going on!" Kiya went to hit Elana, but Elana caught her hand and pulled her to her feet "ah! S-stop! That hurts! Let go of me!" Kiya struggled to break free form Elanas grasp, but couldn't. Elana pulled Kiya in closer to her and embraced her "let me!-" "no. Let me hold you for a little while longer" "huh?" Kiya felt something wet fall on her shoulder "E-Elana? Whats-" Kiya managed to look up and see Elana crying. "Elana? Why are you crying?" "I'm- so- sorry- Kiya" "what?" "I-I killed them, I killed them both!" Kiyas eyes widened w-what? Who? Killed who?" Elana let go of Kiya; Kiya backed up into the wall "w-what did you do?" "it's my fault... that you have that power" "what?" "where I was from... originally... well, the point is, I met Eric and Jessica" "what?" "I lived in that time. I led them into my trap, and ate Jessica soul, or so I thought. If it's true that a peace of her soul remained in the mirror, if it's put back together, they could both be brought back to life... but, they wouldn't return to my aria, they would stay her" "y-you killed..." " Please, Kiya... you have to understand" "what don't I-" "how was I suppose to know that Eric's one hundredth decedent was a female! And how was I suppose to know that she was beautiful! And how was I suppose to know that I would fall in love with her! How was I suppose to know that I would fall in love with the one thing I swore I would take revenge on? Tell me! Tell me dam it!" Elana fell to her knees and cried. Her body shook violently and her hands hurt from clenching them so hard "E-Elana" Kiya dropped to her knees in front of Elana and tipped her chin "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I didn't know... please Kiya, please forgive me" " Elana, please stop crying, that was years ago. I am not mad, I am surprised It takes way more that that to get me angry" "Kiya, I-" Kiya held Elanas head and kissed her "Elana, I love you" "I-" riiinngg! Kiya turned and grabbed her phone "Hello, yes, this is Kiya" "ms. Kiya, I'm afraid your mother has been in a terrible accident" "a-accident? What kind of accident?" " she got caught in the middle of a gun fight. She was walking home from the store and-" "what? Is she OK? Where is she?" "shes in the local hospital right now, they took her to the O.R... I'm sorry miss, they don't think shes going to make it. You might want to come down here and say goodbye" Kiya hung up the phone and dropped it "Kiya? Whats the matter?" Kiya slowly turned around and wobbled over to Elana "Kiya?" Kiyas eyes filled with tears and she fell into Elanas arms "Kiya! What going on?" Elana barely could make out what Kiya was saying through the tears and heavy breathing "m-m-my m-mom... s-s-she- i-is-not going- to- make-it!" "what?" "a-cc e-dent... gu-n- fight... she- got- caught i-n- the- mi-idle- o-f it!" "oh my god! Come on lets go, we have to go to the hospital!" Elana grabbed Kiyas hand and transported to the hospital. The two girls ran up to the desk "yes? May I help you?" "wheres my mom!" "um, excuse me?" "you- bitch! Where is my mom! What room is she in?" "Kiya! Calm down!" "miss, I am going to have to ask you to be quiet, your disturbing the other patients" "I don't give a flying fuck about the other fucking patients! Find out what fucking room my mother is in! Hurry the fuck up you lazy ass fucking bitch!" "ma'm! Please calm down" "a tall man walked out holding some papers "now, who is your mother?" "Mary Shane." "oh, by any chance are you Kiya?" "yes! You bastard! So share is my mother?" "please follow me" the girls followed the doctor to a small room in the back. The doctor stopped and turned to the girls "I'm sorry, she doesn't have much longer, twenty-five minutes is the best we can do" Kiya held Elanas hand and started to tear up, then they walked in. Kiyas mom opened her eyes and smiled "I'm sorry honey, I won't be here- for your birthday... tomorrow" "mom please-" "shh" Mary reached under her pillow and ruled out two small boxes "happy birthday dear, please, open them" Kiya started to cry "Sweetie, please don't cry, open them up" Kiya took the wrapping paper off the first box and opened it. She pulled out a gold bracelet with eighteen charms on it. " I have been adding a charm to this bracelet for eighteen years, each one I put on there, was for each one of your birthdays. And there all lockets. They all have a picture of us together. Open the other box" Kiya opened the second box. Her eyes widened, then she looked back at her mother "happy birthday sweetie This the key to your house. You live fairly close to our house, it's only a few blocks away, I mean it's a little dark... but I'm sure you'll like it" Kiya closed the box and embraced her mother "pleased don't go" her mom smiled " I love you sweetie" then she closed her eyes. And died "mom? Mom? Mom! p,ease! No!" Elana held Kiyas arms and pulled her out of the room "no! Mom! Please! Let go! Let go god damn it!" Elana turned Kiya around and embraced her "shh, it's OK It's OK" Elana and Kiya left the hospital and called the other " good afternoon, this is Mika" "h-hay, change of plans... I'm not staying at the hotel ,if you guys still want to, OK" "what? What happened?" "my mother just died" "oh my god! I am so sorry! Is there anything I can do?" "stay at the hotel, have fun, please" "i mean, I would much rather be with you... but, we'll respect your wishes" "thank you, goodbye" Kiya hung up the phone and waved down a taxi "Where are we going Kiya?" "the store, my mom gave me house, I have to decorate it... she would have wanted that" "are you sure?" "ya, I have some cash plus money I have saved up and put on a card, plus I will have to sell some of moms things, so..." " alright" the girls got in the taxi and told the driver to go to ' dekors dream' "OK!" the man said happily " so you girls having a good day?" the girls looked up but didn't speak "uh... heh heh, I'm Joe! Whats your names?" once again, silence Elana looked up "stop talking to us" "huh? um... o-OK" the taxi driver stopped "no charge" Elana turned to the man and gave him a fifty dollar bill "what? A fifty?" "thank you for your servises" "um-" "good day" Elana turned from the cab and followed Kiya to dekors dream. "so, first the colors" "I like black" "ha ha, we'll get to the darker colors in a sec k?" "ya, OK" so hear is a photograph of the house. I like the color on the outside, don't you? It'd dark, but not to dark" "I like it... Can I go and choose some plants for the front?" "ya! That sounds nice. Lets meet in furniture OK?" "OK" Kiya stood in front of the many colors, trying to choose one for the dining room, and Elana went over to the flowers. "excuse me, do you have any rose bushes?" "yes, we do. We have black, white red, pink, and yellow" "hmm, can I have two red and two black?" "yes, of course, is that all?" "no, also six lavender plants, four tulips, and one bamboo bowl" "OK, when do you want these in?" "today, hairs the address, have your people put them in now" "OK, that will be $29.42" "thank you" Elana walked over to Kiya, who was still choosing colors "got them yet?" yes! no... kinda. I have this darker tan color for the hall, and this dark blue for the dining room... do you mind looking for doors, windows, tiles, rugs, and audiences?" "sure" "thanks Elana" "I love you" "erk! I-I love you to" Elana smiled and walked to the doors. She immediately saw a door that was perfect "excuse me! Is this one still available?" a slender man came over and looked over at the tag "yup! You interested miss?" "yes" it was a mahogany wood door with fogged glass. "what about the door nobs?" "oh, here are the choices" "I'll take number three" "OK, so when do you want it in?" "now" "huh?" "hairs the address, go put it in now" the guy raised an eyebrow then shrugged "alright, that will be $12.02" Elana gave him the amount and walked over to the windows. She bought windows, appliances, rugs tiles, and a few extra things and headed over to the furniture Kiya ran over to Elana "hay! You get everything?" "yup" " OK, when are they putting everything in?" "now" "now?" now" "how?" " I told them to" "oh.. OK.. I got the colors, finally" "good" Kiya and Elana got everything they needed and some extra decorations and left "lets go to the grocery store, we can stalk up on food" "OK" they walked into 'the BIG mini mart' and got fruits, vegetables, milk, juices, soda, meat, deserts, fish, eggs, cheese, etc. And walked out. "wow, I'm tired" Elana smirked and grabbed Kiyas free hand "huh? What are you-" " I want to hold your hand" "but-" "that's not a problem is it?" "eh? Um, n-no... of course not!" " I love you" Kiya looked at the ground "how can you say such heavy things so lightly?" " because it's you, I am not embarrassed to say that I am madly head over heals in love with you, your the one... I love you" Kiya looked up and started to cry " why? It's immoral." "what is?" "to love someone of the same sex" "says who?" " the Bible says that it's wrong." " isn't it free choice?" Kiya looked to the ground "I don't believe in that stuff anyway" " I'm starting to wonder" "Kiya, I'm a witch, not a reincarnation of he son of God, or whatever" " I-I know that" " do you want to be with me?" "of course I do!" "then I'm sorry, your going to have to go against some of your beliefs" "will you ever leave me?" "no! Of course not" " then, it's OK with me" Kiya squeezed Elanas hand and smiled. Elanas eyes widened then she smiled "hay, lets kill some time" "huh?" "ya, we bought a bookshelf, it wouldn't be right if it stayed bare" " um, OK... where do you wanna go?" "hmm, oh! Lets go to gamers" "OK" Kiya and Elana walked into the small store. In this store, there were mangas, anime, cosplay, computer games, video games, and other stuff an otaku would go crazy for. Kiya went straight to the BL novels (BL stands for boys love or Yaoi, which is guy on guy) and Elana got some animes "hay Elana! What animes did you get?" Kiya shouted " just a couple Yaoi, a couple Yuri, and a few Shonen ai." "ha ha, so technically, all of the perverted stuff?" Elana smiled and closed her eyes "you bet! Same with you huh? Over there looking at BL novels" " you bet!" In the end, they ended up walking out with thirteen bags from gamers, some food, and some decorations for the rooms " Elana, can we go home yet?" Elana looked at her watch and smiled "yup" Elana gave the taxi driver the directions and sat back. Kiya sat up quickly "hay! Where are we going? Your house is the other street" " I never said I was going to my house... right now. Ha ha, I'm going to go home to get clothes" "what?" The taxi driver drove in front of the house then drove away. Kiya stood there and looked at the house "how did you" Elana smirked "forget it, wanna go inside?" Kiya nodded her head and walked in. everything hey had ordered not even five hours ago was there and put together "welcome home" Kiya threw her arms around Elana and passionately kissed her " thank you, I-I love... you.. Elana... I-I love you" Elana slammed Kiya into the wall and pinned her hands "ah! W-what are you-" "I love you so much" Elana kissed her neck and lifted Kiyas skirt "nah! M-aah!" "whats the matter? Nervous?" "n-no!" Elana smiled and pushed her on the couch and got on top of her "p-please wait" " I don't want to wait, I can't resist you" Elana started to unbutton Kiyas shirt when the door bell rang "dam it all! Who the hell could it be now! I am so sick and tired of getting interrupted! It's starting to piss me off!" Elana got up and opened the door "OK! What do you-" Elana froze and backed up "w-what? H-how is this possible? Y-you can't... still be alive... I-I saw you die... your dead.. Th-this is impossible!" "Hello Elana"

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