I Hate You , I Love You !

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Hello guys so this is my first time , I'm not the owner of the story . If you have question just ask me and I will help you !

---------------------------------------------------Celeste's Pov:

"Leave me alone' I yelled to Eric when he came to me and beg me as always if we can be in a relationship again. I don't think so , what was upon in his mind. I don' t know what was upon on my mind when I wanted to be with him. I hate all men in the world!! You ask why? Because they are ugly and dumb pigs and they just use you, J have been in that situation, trust me! Anyway my name is Celeste Calder I'm 18 years old and live in London, I live with my mom step-dad and step-sister

Eleanor Calder yes you hear me THE Eleanor Calder! I have really great life now but I couldn't say it before. When I lived with my biology father it was like hell.

I will never forget about that.

I had 7 years when he began to act strangely. Strange like to his daughter. I know I had just 7 but I knew that it wasn't normal. i was jut a little girl but i loved him and then he said that I should't say it to nobody and so did I of course. He know how to do it , he began slow and carefully but as my age began to be bigger was it worse. I began to pull back but that was nothing to him, I began to hate him, he was very mean and ugly to me. My psychic was really bad , but I think it has gone, but some time it get back . I'm scared and I hate the male people. Some people may think it to much hate but if they knew what I was gone trough they would respect it. At the age 15 it all came out. Mom was looking how aggressive I was sometimes at my father and she Began to look at us nearer. She helped me and I'm am thankfull for that. We said it to the police and he was arrested for to abusing a child. He got 8 hard yeas + for abusing his own child. When my mom got divorced we began a new life , then we met Elin's father , he'a a really good man and probably the only man I like , and I love him ( as father )My mom married him and we live together in peace 3 years. About 3 weeks ago I began to date with Eric or El said I should date him and she said that he's a nice boy an so one ,but afterwards he began to be perverse to me and ugly so I ended it up. Sometime I ask myself if I can find someone who is normal, who would not be ugly and dumb to me. But I think it's a necessary question. I think I will never ever get an answer on the question. What's about Eleanor she's just fantastic. I love her and I'm getting her like my own sister. I get er as my own sister not like a step-sister. She's my nearest person after mom.El has a other kind type of a guy as I, she'a dating a singer , I have never seen him and I don't care, the only thing I know that he's name is Louis Tomlinson. I think he is a jerk and I'm always waiting on El if she will come home crying ,that he hurt her. But it has never happend , but it won't be surprised if it happens. I have a normal life and I am happy with that,

"I'm going" said El when she came to my room, "Great are you going home to Tommo again?" Said I "He will come here ,finally you are going to meet each other" said El In a Happy-tone. " El you know that I don't like that ,the little I know about that the waste the better. Said I

" you call Louis a waste" said she angrily. " is it a boy?' Said I "Yes of course he is " Said El and took her hands on her hips."you see it's a boy then he's a waste" said I and laught evely in silent. " Celeste i will show you that Louis is not waste you will meet him!"said El "wouldn't you say exclamation mark ? It sounds like you are commanding sentence dear " said I and smiled , "look you know how I love your insolence but not if it's to me and Louis" said El .


"He's here" El said happily " since when devil use the doorbell" said I , she just rolled her eyes "be good it that clear?!" She said " as you say my laidy" I bowed to her, El love my sarcastic humor but not now. I was running downstairs when I saw them kissing, " oh my god I don't understand how people like it. I went between them so they saw me " so Lou this is my step-sister Celeste" said El and give me the 'please be good' look. Sistah you don't know me I smiled.

"Hey my name is Louis Tomlinson nice to meet you" he shook my hand. Oh a boy hand I thought when I was looking at our hands shaking. " since you are my sisters boyfriend you can call me Sel" said I " but I'm warning you if you use that thing when you getting a girl pregnant" he wasn't shocked but instead he began to laught. "El had right you are funny" he said laughtning. " but that wasn't a joke" I said and after that the smile on his face was away."do you really mean it"he asked I was about to answer when El said " of course she didn't mean it she was just joking right Sel?" She looked at me " no but ok we just let it go" said I .

We said our goodbye and then they were gone. I was going to my boringness as always . Mom and Morris are on a vocation somewhere south , skiing they called me but I didn't want to go , and now I regret it!. I rather be with them now instead of here.

Harry's Pov:

"Nicole I don't have time to you" I said as I pushed her out the door. "But you said that we could be together today" she said whit puppy dog eyes. " I promise what I promised but now I won't Go" I pushed her through the door , and the she turn around and slapt me."fucker" she screams and ran out crying. I closed the door. And sighted, "10" said Niall."10 what ? " said I "this was the 10th slap you got for last 3 days" said Niall angrily. " who asked you to count it?" Said I sharply and angrily,"it's my life I can do whatever I want and sleep with who I want!

"I told you this many times, and I'll tell you again, Get a grip Harry" said Niall and then he went from the hall, but he has right at some things probably I'm really overdoing it.all the time when a girl slaps me I get a deja vu, but I don't care anymore. Liam came " I met Nicole she says if you call here one more time she will cut your little friend" then he gave a big smile. "Could you all please shut up about that I can do what I want " I yelled

"When will you fall in love? You should know that love is beautiful thing" said Liam and smiled " phhh , don't try to push something in my head , why don't you go to Danielle and cuddle with her? And let me go" yelled I . Pff that love is beautiful feeling what is love ?you are with who you love till you die and where is the fun time? Be with one person all your life that's a nightmare for me. I'm the type of guy that like fun and I love it I don't want to edit nothing!.

I took my phone and look at my contacts the first girl I found was Cara. Hmm I haven't seen her for loong,I dialed her phone number and she answered quick!.

"Hey Harry what do you need?"

"Are you home tonight?" I asked her

"I always find time for you , in my or your house?"

"Your" I said quickly not even thinking

We had agreed 1 hour and said our goodbye. I had gone down to the city and went home surprised Louis were home and said something like that sister to El will live her fore some weekends I didn't care and went out with Cara.

Celeste's Pov:

El came home late at night and I'm in the stove watching TV " aren't you sleeping?"she asked "no " I said while watching TV." Sel I need to say you somethin but I don't know if you would like it"she said shyly and sat beside me on the couch.......

--------------------------------------------------- hope you like it Voite comment and share <3 thank you lovies , sorry for bad spelling ..

-Lucia xx

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