Chapter 4 : The Camp

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Celeste's Pov : 

"wait"yelled Styles on me, why does he go after me ? to pick up some twigs (?) I can do it by myself 

. "you don't need to go with me " said I as I turned to face him. "Zayn said that I should go with you"said he ,I rolled my eyes. " oh yeah that what he said to you because you wouldn't stand up with you're mean ass"said I as I turn around and began to walk. "can you say me one thing? what have you with me , why don't you like me?asked he as walked back me. "all totally all , I hate your character and your imperious attitude to everything. In other words I hate you and you are disghusting to me "He stopped and looked at me with his eyes bulging.,, ​​Please?, I'm disgusting to you? You're awfully strange. This has never happend to me in my life that I Harry Styles i'm disghusting to someone. Indeed, it is absurd. " He Threw up his hands. "Are you listening at all, that you're tounge don't fall of how many  praise to yoursel" I raised my voice. , I'll listen to me every day and no my tounge won't fall off because what I say is gospel truth. I think everyone wants me but you're first one to me that says what you think about me. "He Resistance smiled.,, Sure So every girl, which of you is not done by you is bad?" We walked further. ,, No. Just because you don't have feeling for me  doen't mean other girls won't like me "He still annoyingly smiled and went on.," If the mirror had seen the character of the person of  you would be startled her." I smiled to myself for a change. He was silent. Apparently he did not know what to tell me . After all, silence is a sign of consent. Moment we walked he was silence. ,, i'm really not attract to you just even a little? "He asked. i sighed., "In what language do I have to tell you to finally understand? Chinese or Finnish, Norwegian?," I gave him to choose." ,, "French. "Put he puts his hands in his pockets.,, I can't speak French, and it was not in my options ." I snapped. ,, I do. French is the language of love. "i smirked Disgusting at him.,, "Do you know what love is really?, what is love?" I asked him. ,, No. But the French are good at flirting with girls. Seriously it works "He winked at me.,, Shove those faces somewhere else . You are a  terrible bastard you know that?" I was  said over his head. ,, I may. So what? that's nothing it need to bother you. It's my life and I do what I want. "Kicked the branch which had beside his heel.,, Okay. So do what you want, and im goingto the others." Said I as I was returning back. He went behind me. During the trip I was thinking. ,, doesn't it seem that we have been going  too long? "Asked as I look around. Then i got it There were  too much silence. I couldn't hear Louis loud laughter and even Niall's swearing.,, "​​Shit." It came out of me. I relized fear The woods I have not good memories by that. Once my father took thehouse that was in the middle of the forest and there .... At the thought me shiver. I tried to run . He chased me around the woods.I hopelessly looked around. ,, Styles God you're stupid or what? if  we areen't so far why can't i hear them? "I looked deranged.,, Well Ouch Do not be wise!. We couldn't  lost us ." He said and began to walk forward. After half an hour: 'We are lost and it all your fault "He shouted at me "Styles.,, Take it're Normal?Chill ,My fault??!. You are here that chat and said how an amazing and that all want's you . Whenever someone fault that  yours.! " I yelled too. He started to panic as a girl a buzz about. ,, Shit. How is it that you're so quiet. "She snapped., God because chill. we will find east. We are not children. At least I'm not." I laughed and  looked around. ,, Save it. I'm out there I'm going to miss many people. My female fans who love me. You know how many girls will collapse when they find out that I died in the woods? That you may be one. nobody would miss you. "He waved his hand. Those words hit me so deep w., 'Oh really? Okay. Search your way out alone., I feel I can stay here I will not miss anyone yet." Yelled I and a tear came from my eye. Once I could feel it i  wiped away. I do not want him to see that it hurt and that i'm crying. Moment just stood there and stared cant.

Harrys Pov:

'Nobody would miss you. "I waved my handOnly then I realized what I actually said. A tear from her eye splitted as he quickly wiped it away so i couldn't noyiced it. I probably should'nt  tell her that. When it is reiterated in mind it was serious too harsh. I do not know nothing about it but when I look into her eyes, there is so much pain. It was awful of me. I don't normaly  treat it like that  but she gave me  no choice. When I'm irritated or stressing the words came out by themselvs. The guys tell me that I can terribly hurt people by that. i think they have right . I have a sharp tongue and I should tame. ,, Sorry Celeste. I didn't mean that "I apologized to her. Jesus. did I seriously apologize. This hasn't happened to me long time that   I apologized to a girl. i don't  know what's going on.,", Sure apologized yourself just because you want to get out of here. " She cried. ,, This is not true. I know it seems like it . Seriously I sincerely apologize. "I raised my  voice.,, "You know, I do not care what you want me to use. I'm not the first, or the last." she said and began to walk forward. ,, I don't use you.! "I walked back her.  She didn't said nothing back but walked and looked around.,,"how do  you know, that we're going in the right direction?" I asked. ,, I don't know im just go for my instincts. "said she dry., Great we are lost. "I Ironically started to laugh. she turned and gave me a murderous look at me.,, "My instincts have never been disappointed.  So shut up and let me think." She yelled. I had a taste of it again to say something but I thought to better not..  How is this possible? I Really attract any girl. . But she? Is another. Also, something I have not seen or experienced. It fascinates me how  she says thing to me  but at the same time  it totally irritates me. I must have all girls, and her.i need to get her one way or another( :P ). I. Although it will be difficult but I'll get her. But she is a tough one. I have  to use other methods than  to the others. After all, i'll  get you Celeste. Also, there would not be a girl that wont help me with it.., Did you hear that? "She paused.,, What?" I asked. ,, I do not know I heard cracking branches. "she fearfully looked at me.  So she IS scared Not as fearless and cold,, So what?" I was smiling at her. ,, Branches just don't crack by themselvs?! she look weird at me., . Indeed. Was already dark suddenly I overheard another crack. she flinched and grabbed my arm. I loooked at her sureprised Startled,. I Was glad. I usedthe sitution and squeezed her hand. but in this situation I  couldn't  begin to flirt with her. but she  soon dropped her hand. W stared at the place when the sound came, suddenly someone appeared in front of us.....

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry for waiting soo long again , bad spellings ,was hurrying so here you have it voite comment and share , thank you a lot let me know what you think will happend in the next chapter :) i love when someone comments :) feel free to do so love you 

-Lucia <3

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