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The smell of burning wood and flesh wafted through the air as the pain filled screams of men and wolves alike filled the skies. The pack had been sleeping peacefully until the sound of a gunshot ripped through the veil of silence. It had sent wolves scattering in all directions as men poured from the woods around them. The wolves knew why the humans were there; nobles were offering rewards for wolves to be brought into them, dead or alive. It made sense that an entire pack of them would be caught off guard.

The hunters spread their way through the packs sleeping grounds like a virus until they formed a tight ring around the canines. Through all the sounds and chaos wrenching through the once quiet sky, no one heard or noticed the two wolves sneaking away, stealing glances over their shoulders to make sure no hunters were following them as they went. They were both females and they were also sisters. The larger and older sister was a dark grizzly grey with white dusted across her shoulders and tail. The younger sister was the same shade of grey although the white on her fur was not as pronounced as her older siblings.

The young wolf stopped to stare behind them, jolting when her sister began to push roughly against her shoulder. Her sight began to get hazy and she began to hear someone calling her name.

“Kairi. Kairi, wake up damn it!” a voice hissed lowly in annoyance.

Kairi groaned, slowly opening her grey eyes to look up into matching grey ones. Light brown hair with dark blue mixed in hung around her, blocking her gaze from much of anything. “What is it now Nira?” she muttered, sitting up and stretching her arms over her head, running her fingers through her shoulder length dark purple hair.

“Be quiet Kairi. There’s someone out there,” Nira stated, looking over her shoulder into the woods. Kairi tensed and immediately looked around, sniffing the air slightly. “Is it a hunter?” she asked her older sister worriedly.

“I don’t know, but I think that we should get-. “ Nira’s speech was cut off as the sound of a gunshot tore through the night. Both Nira and Kairi ducked reflexively before Nira grabbed Kairi by the collar of her shirt, jerking her up.

“Go!” she stated before the two sisters turned wolf and ran through the woods. Kairi could tell that they were still being followed because she could hear the sound of the hunters following after them as they crashed through the underbrush of the forest. Kairi looked over at Nira with fear shining in her eyes.

‘Don’t start acting wimpy now Kairi. We need to split up,’ Nira said to her.

‘What are you talking about!?’ Kairi was about to protest more but Nira turned and ran off the other way. Kairi groaned inwardly and yelped when a bullet lodged in the trunk of a tree beside her shoulder. Her attention was drawn back to the chase and she continued running through the woods. Kairi had no idea where she was going, but she would run all night if she had to just to escape these men.

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