Chapter Six

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The sound of buzzing filled Nira's ears and she groaned as she slowly came to. Slowly opening her eyes, she was glad that she was greeted with darkness and not the light of the sun. Still, the buzzing noise was only getting louder and the longer she sat with her eyes open, the more she came to realize that it was people speaking close by. Lifting her head and shifting her body, she winced even more when a sharp pain tore through her leg, causing her to groan. Warm hands were soon on her shoulders, pushing her back to the ground.

“You need to rest,” came a familiar voice and she looked up to see Tsume leaning over her, peering down at her curiously.

“Like hell,” Nira grumbled, trying to push his hands away but it was really no use. Tsume was just too strong for her, whether she was injured or not. Hell, he was close to being twice her size. Sighing, she lifted a hand and pressed it against her forehead.

“What happened?” she questioned, waiting patiently for his answer.

“You got shot while we were rescuing Hige. I had to dig the bullet out and you passed out,” Tsume stated; being reminded of the day that the pack had just faced was not sitting well with him, especially when he remembered just how much pain Nira had truly been in. And the fact that Tsume had caused a great deal of that pain did not make him a very happy person about the whole ordeal.

Frowning, Nira dropped her hand and looked over at Tsume. “I remember that,” she stated, everything slowly coming back to her. Damn, she had wanted to tear Tsume a new one for causing her so much pain. But it was done and over now; her leg would begin to heal and once the full moon came about once more, it would heal completely.

Turning her head to the side, Nira blinked when she saw another wolf standing among the others that she hadn't seen before. The female was extremely tall, obviously built for running. Her auburn fur was only interrupted by the black on her legs and the back of her neck, along with white on her chest and the end of her tail.

“Who the hell is the horse?” she grumbled. No doubt the other wolf was at least twice Nira's height.

Tsume turned to look in the same direction before he sighed in annoyance. “Her name is Roja. She came plummeting out of the woods to escape some bees and Kiba's decided to let her stick around. Of course, this was without asking everyone else if they agreed,” he grumbled. He obviously didn't agree very well with Kiba's decision.

“What is she like?” Nira wondered, taking the chance to sit up while Tsume was distracted, doing nothing more but wincing at the pain in her leg.

“A bigger, female version of Toboe,” Tsume stated, earning a sigh from the female beside him. He knew she wasn't capable of coping with Toboe in huge amounts, which was why she preferred to keep her distance from him. But now, it was going to be even harder. Granted, Tsume was used to Toboe hanging around so the newcomer wasn't as annoying as she might have been before.

When the female looked over in their direction and Kairi began to motion towards them, Nira sighed in annoyance. No doubt she would have to introduce herself now; maybe she could pretend that she was still passed out? Except, that wouldn't work, because the female had already seen them and was walking their way in her human form this time, most likely to keep them both from being on the defensive.

The female, Roja, had long, dark brown hair that was held together with a scrunchie towards the bottom of her ponytail, a lone red high light gracing the right side of her hair. Nira could only describe her face as being heart shaped, something humans would have used long ago to describe their pixies and fairies, when imagination was something the human race actually encouraged.

Her hazel eyes seemed to shine with a childlike glow, but Nira wondered if she was really hiding things to keep the others from knowing everything about her. After all, that's what she herself had done her entire lifetime.

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