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    Hello! Lulu here!

I know this chapter is short. I am just really tired because of the week. I promise you another chapter tomorrow. I won't bother you any longer. Enjoy!


I woke up. I felt as if someone was banging something against my skull. Groaning, i tried to sit up only to get a painful headache and quickly retreat back to my previous position. I groaned even louder. Then, it hit me. Im not (on Kansas anymore) on my bedroom. ( What this room looks like) I jumped to my feet, ignoring the pain in my head, and rushed to the door and tried opening it. Suddenly, it banged open, making me fall back on my bum. I quickly stood up and got into the best fightings stand i could. The same masked boy stood in front of me. Even if i couldn't see it, i knew he raised an eye brow. "Master wants to see you"he said. I glared at him, trying to hide my fear for this 'master' of his. " Your name?" i asked, relaxing a bit. I felt him roll his eyes, "Masky, now come" Masky said, gripping my arm tightly and dragging me out of the room and through the endless halfway full of doors. We passed through many different door until we stopped in front of one at the end of the hall. The masked teen knocked twice on the door and waited. Static began ringing through my head and stopped just as fast as it came. Mask opened the door for me and gave me a little push. I stumble inside. Bang! he closed the door behind me. Not long after that, i spotted a faceless man, sitting behind a desk. Slenderman. A voice chuckled. ' It's been so long since we saw each other, child' I snapped my head at the creature. " Did you just...? How?".

The voice spoke again. 'Thats for another time. We have matters to attend. I know you have questions, child ' I nodded and took a seat ignorant of him. " The mark" Slenderman nodded. 'My symbol, the proxy mark. A proxy is someone who follows and learns from their masters. I have four. You, child, and three boys' I nodded, deep in thought. '"Why me?" i asked, looking down to my lap. ' I knew you were special' He responded, making me snap my head back to him. Slenderman explained all abut the creepypastas. He told me about his plans of making me his proxy. Now it was my time to choose. He 'stared' at me patiently. Sigh. " I accept, master" I said, almost as if calling him master came naturally. " Wonderful, child. I'll have Masky guide you back to your room." He stood up. I then realised just how tall he was. Slender looked way taller in real life. He guided me to the door. Just as he was about to open it, He stopped himself and looked at me. ' You may let your wings out, child. No need to hide them' I bowed my head in respect and let my wings out, breaking part of the shirt in the process. I felt a sudden relief . It sure felt good to stretch them out. Slender opened the door for me to reveal Masky. He nodded , " Follow me". I followed Masky down the maze of doors and into the room i woke up in. " I'll pick you up in the morning. then you can meet the rest of us" Mask said and left the room, closing the door behind him. I jumped into the bed and got under the covers. I instantly entered a dreamless sleep. Tomorrow is gonna be busy.....

The Camera (FNAF x Reader x Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now