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Michael's P.O.V

Was it weird to have a boner over your girlfriends daughter? The answer is probably yes but at the minute I didn't care. The way she wore a short dress that showed of her curves and the heels that made her look so sexy. I just wanted to throw her on the table and kiss every single part of her.Every single part.

"Shall we?" Sara suggested as she glanced over to the table. When I met Sara she told me she had a daughter but I expected a little 10 year old who still plays with dolls. But I was certainly wrong.We all took our seats at the table and I started to talk to Frankie. Get to know her a bit.

"So Frankie , tell me about yourself." She quickly took a sip of water before placing her glass down and responding. "Well , I'm sixteen , I go to Eastwood just down the street and I have a boyfriend called Calum who is 19." Sixteen. She was so young , so pure. I needed to do something about that boyfriend though. 

I smiled at her. "Michael , tell me about yourself." She responded with a giggle. I stiffened up as she giggled. "Well I'm 28. I play guitar , regularly dye my hair and I am in love with your mother." She smiled at me before looking down at her phone. I know it wasn't my business to  look but I leant down so I could see her phone screen. I saw the name Calum across the top of the screen with a stupid winking face next to it. I glanced down to see a picture of a v-line and a pair of boxers.

I watched her click save and send back a message before she slipped her phone under her leg.I sighed. If she was going to become mine , no one would ever dare send her stuff. No one apart from me. Sara placed the food on the table and I smiled up at her. We all ate pretty quickly and then went into the living room.

Frankie's P.O.V

I walked into the living room slowly followed by mum and Michael. I was constantly looking at Michael all evening. The way he bit his lip and his cute smile. I sat down on the sofa and mum and Michael sat on the one opposite me. "So me , Michael and your father have decided that since your real father is gone , you are going to need a replacement father figure." I already knew where this was going.

"After a long discussion we have decided that Michael will become your legal step-father." Great now I had no chance in fucking him. I mean getting with him. I nodded. "So are you guys getting married?" They both shook their heads. "No.Not yet anyway." My mum smiled at Michael. I felt sick. "So does that mean I have to call you dad now?" I questioned. He shook his head. "Not if you don't want to."

I thought for a moment. "Well if you are going to be my legal stepfather , I might as well." I sighed before walking to the stairs. "Goodnight mum. Goodnight Dad." It felt weird calling a 28 year old dad. I guess if he was going to be my stepfather. Why not make him feel welcome. I sat on my bed and listened to my mum and Michael walk up the stairs. I guess he was staying the night. 

I slipped of my dress and climbed into bed.I had to go to school tomorrow. But I got to see Calum and my best friends Luke and Ashton. I don't mind calling Michael dad , but I swear to god. If he starts acting like my father in these first few days , I'm going to lose it. 


Sorry this chapter is so short....its 4 in the morning

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