Chapter 4

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Matt's POV

Haley is actually super good at soccer. We make a good team. Haley switches back to defense while I'm still up on offense. I turn around to see Haley really pale. I bolt over there. "Haley?! Babe are you okay. Stay with me" I reach her just in time to catch her. The gym teacher tells me to take her to the nurse, scowls and returns to a game. What a jerk. I scoop her up into my arms she's lighter than the last time I picked her up. When we get to the nurse I set her down and the nurse checks up on her. She thinks she is just dehydrated. I know it's not true. Thats all she does is drink water. She isn't eating enough. She's so gorgeous, prettier than any other girl. She shouldn't change a thing. I go back and wait until she wakes up. She's so pretty even when she's asleep. (A/N Not meant to sound creepy I promise) She wakes up and I'm so relieved.

"Hey beautiful. Feeling better?" I say

"Yeah, uh sure." Haley responds

The nurse walks in and says "Glad to hear your feeling better Haley. Don't forget to keep drinking water. I'll let you go home after you eat this cookie "

I can feel Haley cringe. "Sure thing no problem" Haley responds with a forced smile

She eats the cookie in disgust. We both get and leave.

As we are walking home I try and break the silence "I think you are beautiful, just the way you are-" "Matt save it" she responds. I stop and face her "Jeez you need to stop cutting me off and let me finish. I think you are the most beautiful person I have ever met, both inside and out, and I've met a lot of people. I really think we can help each other, please just give me a chance". She stands there stunned and just hugs me. "So thats a yes then?" I chuckle. I grab her hand and we walk home.

Haley's POV

Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm finally letting him help me. I've just come to the realization that he's not going away. It's weird but I had this dream while I was asleep. So basically, this sweet little girl comes running up to me and says "Mommy, watch me and daddy" So I look up and Matt and this little girl are dancing around. Matt picks the girl up and spins her around while she giggles. "Mommy come join us" she squeals and Matt says "Yeah mommy" and gives me this look. It made me want to keep living. But then I woke up to reality.

We get to my house and he drags me into the bathroom. "Alright where are they? And don't lie to me. I want the one's in your bag too" I reluctantly show him. I mean if I need them they aren't too hard to get them. "Now I want you to flush them down the toilet. Or I will" I knew he would do that. So I did it. Then our stomach's growl simultaneously. "Ha, I knew you were hungry" He exclaims. We walk into the kitchen and I plug in my phone and start jamming to Wild life by Jack and Jack. I hear him laughing and turn around and see him with his phone up. I say "You didn't post that did you" and he responds "You know I did and you know I know them right?". I smiled and said "Really?! That's cool". He looks down on his phone so I keep jamming and making Mac n Cheese for us. I hear him say "Yo dude whats up, I haven't seen you in forever" I put the Mac n Cheese on the plates and turn around. "Matthew Lee Espinosa I swear if you are recording me again I'm going to eat all this food myself." I say. "I'm not but you might wanna see this" He replies. I slide on the seat next to him and almost drop my plate. "Mattttttttt. Whyyy. I look like shit". "Haley meet Johnson and Gilinsky and you look stunning, always". "So, uh I heard you were a fan" Johnson chuckles. I hear from the back ground "Way to make it awkward dude" It was most likely Gilinsky.

A/N Heyy Guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Am I moving to fast? Let me know! Also any suggestions? I wanna know what y'all are thinking. Don't be shy!! Don't forget to vote too!

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