Chapter 34

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Haley's POV

I groan, while being blinded by the sunshine

Why does my head hurt so bad

Wait. Fuck

I get up and run to the bathroom and make it just in time

I'm never getting drunk again

"Matttttttttttttt" I whine as I get up from the bathroom floor

Where tf is he.

I notice asprin on the bedside table

Hey at least he left me some drugs

I walk out onto our balcony

Damn I missed LA

Since Matt is MIA I decide I'm gonna go skateboarding

"BURNIE" I yell not knowing where he is

He immediately comes

"You wanna go for a walk boy?" I say ruffling his ears

I leave Matt a quick note incase he comes back

Hey Babe,

I woke up and had no idea where you were. Thanks for the asprin and taking off my makeup. Anyways I took Burnie and we are going skateboarding. I'll have my phone on me.

Love you


I walk down our driveway and start skating Burnie running ahead of me

We skate down the pier and my board must have hit a groove in the wood but I went flying

"Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk" I say pushing myself up to sitting position

Thank god I was able to hold onto Burnie

I look down at my thigh and of course there's a deep cut

"Alright Burnie lets walk back home" I say picking up my board

Matt's POV

I pull back into the driveway after getting groceries since we didn't have any food

"Haley I'm home" I shout walking into the house

I see her sitting on the counter with a needle and thread

"What-" I say coming closer but cutting myself off

"Babe I'm fine I have one more stitch" She says sticking the needle into her thigh (a/n sorry for the gore)

"HALEY STOP" I say grabbing her hand

She takes the scissors with her other hand and cuts the string

"See all good" She says hoping off the counter to wash her hands

"fuck. maybe the jump wasn't a good idea" She says clearly in pain

"What happened?" I say putting her back on the counter

"I was skating on the pier and I hit a bump or something and went flying off my board and some nail or something must have caught it" She says slowly pushing herself off the counter

"I'll clea-" I start

"Babe it's fine. Just put the groceries away" She says washing her hands and wiping down the counter

"I think we need to go to the ER and get that legitimately stitched. You look pale. How the hell did you get home from the pier" I say looking at her

"I walked" She mumbles

"YOU WALKED?! Why wouldn't you call me. Okay we definitely need to go to the ER you have probably lost so much blood." I say

"Babe I've dealt with worse" She says

"WHY WON'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME" I shout getting angry

"WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH. I'M FINE. LOOK AT ME." She shouts back clearly angry


"OKAY FINE. IF I'M THAT MUCH OF AN INCONVENIENCE TO YOU I'LL LEAVE." She yells her voice breaking at the end

What did I just say. Oh my god

"babe I'm sorry. I wasn't-" I start as she cuts me off with a sad

"goodbye Matthew"

and with that she closed the door and walked away

Haley's POV

I need to go somewhere. I can't go next door because Matt will get there and they won't let me leave

I know where to go

"Hey Haley how are you?" Kians familiar voice comes through the phone

"Kiki" I try to get out without crying

"Haley?! What happened? Where are you?" Kian says his voice laced with concern

"I'm-I'm a-at the beach b-by my house. I ne-need you to pick me up. I h-have to s-stay with you guys for a w-while. I'll ex-explain la-later" I say struggling to keep the tears in

"I'll be there in 3 minutes" Kian says

"Thank you" I whisper into the phone

What Matt said obviously wasn't a mistake and everyone says honesty comes out when you're angry

I just lost the love of my life

There's no one else for me. He was my one and only

"Haley?" I hear behind me

"Kiki" I say crying into his chest

"Come on let's go home." He says walking me over to the car 

A/N this chapter sucked

and I'm sorry I haven't updated

Thank you for all the love. You guys make me happy

Chin up butter cups

I'll be back before you know it 

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