Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Camila's P.O.V.

I don't know why this girl is being nice to me. If I have learned anything it's that rich people treat their maids like shit, or any of their staff, they all think they're better than everyone.

Anyway she winked and smirked at me, I need to not get too attached to this girl, after all I am gay and she's so hot. Her ink black wavy hair that looks naturally messy, her pale skin, her plump perfect lips and her gorgeous green eyes that I found myself being sucked into until her mom brought me back.

Why am I saying this? Camila stop thinking those things she's your 'master' and you're just another one of her maids. You will never- I instantly closed my eyes when something, more like someone, crashed into me, causing me to release all the air from my lungs.

"Fuck! Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Said an unknown voice that seemed oddly familiar.

"It's alright D." Lauren's voice sounded so close to my ear. I felt hot breath on my ear making my eyes shoot open, only to find Lauren below me and me on top of her.

"Well I never pinned you as a top Camz." CAMZ?!

I blushed at my new nickname until I saw just how close we were and she was looking straight at my lips. With that I quickly got up and turned to look at the unfamiliar voice. My eyes went wide yet again.


"CHANCHO!!" I ran up to her and jumped into her open arms, wrapping my legs around her waist and arms around her neck tightly as she spun us around.

"Oh my god, Cheechee I missed you so much! What are you doing here?"

"I missed you to Walz! I work here as Lauren's right hand. In other words like a manager." She said as I kissed her cheeks and forehead.

"So I'm guessing you two are quite acquainted?" Lauren said from her spot on the floor where we fell.

"Yeah, Mila and I have known each other since kindigarden (kindergarden), and we worked for Austin's parents, until Austin kissed Mila and his parents thought it was her that kissed him. So she got kicked out and I left." Dinah explained quickly, I just rolled my eyes as she just spilt one of my personal stories.

"I got to admit Dinah, I loved that kiss." I said to my taller friend and received a punch from her with an adorable pout from Lauren. "OW! What was that for Dinah?!"

"'Cause you said you enjoyed it. Austin was- no wait- IS an asshole. He only wanted to screw you." Dinah said with a bit of aggressiveness.

"Whoa calm down there D, if she loved it then good, but I got to admit Camz he is a huge asshole. I mean just look at what he did to Becky-"

"I know what he did, besides the only reason why I loved it was because it got me fired and I never get to see him ever again." I said before I heard Becky's story, I really want her to tell me herself. Becky in fact is my sister-like cousin, kinda like Dinah is.

"Really Mila, wow you had me worried for a moment there. Come here Chancho!" She opens her arms again and I give her another hug while she kisses my forehead. "Okay, so do you plan on sitting there or are you going to get up and show Mila here her room." Dinah asked as we end our hug.

"Well you made me fall, the least you can do is help me up." Lauren said with another pout and puppy eyes, she looked so adorable. Her eyes are so mesmerizing.

"Whoa okay, first off I didn't make you fall, Mila here did and second, you can get your lazy ess up yourself bish." Dinah says playfully which makes me assume they're good friends. Which also makes me happy to see my sister-like best friend being treated well. Hold on is that a smirk on Dinah's face? Oh shit quick defend yourself.

"I did not purposely fall on her Chee. You came out of nowhere and bumped into me." I defended.

"Don't worry about it Camz, let's just," she jumps up and starts walking, "go to your room."

"I'll see you guys later, don't have too much fun!" Dinah yells and winks at us as she goes her own way. Why does she do that?

"Hey Camz, you mind if I ask you a question?" Lauren turns around to ask me face-to-face, her eyes meeting mine.

"Um, yes Ms. Jauregui, I will answer any question you ask me, even if I don't have an answer." I say looking at her trying to focus, but how can I when her emerald orbs are sucking me in, again. I give her my serious face because I really don't want to seem friendly.

"Okay first off, it's Lauren, not Ms. Jauregui. Second off, how old are you?"

"Oh okay, um I'm 17 almost 18 Ms.- err I mean Lauren. Why do you ask?" Curiosity killed the cat Canola don't forget it.

"Yay almost legal. I'm just curious, is all, so when is your birthday?" She turns and continues walking. Gosh how big is this house. I think I've seen this painting in two other halls, I guess they must love it.

"Um, I turn eighteen on March third," I say and stop walking, I have to comment. "Your family must really love this painting, I saw it in five different halls already."

She stops walking and turns around, scratches her neck and lets out a nervous laugh.

"Well the reason why you've seen it many times is because, I'm going in circles, BUT, it's just because I want to get to know you better before we head in and I go to sleep, and you unpack and stuff. Sorry." She gives me the cutest apologetic smile and big round eyes.

"It's alright Luaren, but I really don't have anything to unpack. All I have is my backpack." I say.

Lauren looks surprised and checks me out. She could at least do it when I'm not looking. Wait is that another smirk?!

"Well where is your backpack? And don't worry about your cloths you could borrow some of mine. That or walk around in your birth suit. Either way, I don't mind." She ends with a wink and turns around starting to open a door. Is it getting hot or is it just me?

"My backpack is at a friend's house." Oh god what is she doing to me?

So many people might not be reading this but I just want to get my story out there so if you guys are enjoying then make sure to share this story to others you think might also enjoy this story. Thanks and don't forget to vote #WorthItVMA.

If you have any suggestions comment below and I will see if I can add them in somewhere, same goes if you have a question I will answer them. 


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