Chapter 12 (Pt. 2)

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Camila's POV

So Lauren asked me on a date and I said yes. I'm kinda nervous though, what does she have planned? Anyway, the date is on Friday, and guess what day it is? Yup not Friday >.<. It's still Thursday and here I am waiting for Lauren to finish showering so she can come sleep with me. Yeah this suite of hers has another king sized bed, but who is complaining I love waking up in her arms. When I don't sleep with her I don't sleep at all.

Remember that one time when Lauren's mom took my mom and I shopping out of town, and when I came back I quickly went back to sleep? Well, I did not sleep at all in the hotel. Something about the way Lauren holds me in her arms makes me feel safe, like no one could hurt us and if it was just her and me. Talking about the green eyed beauty, she's finally done. She came out in a sports bra and boy shorts, checking her phone she walked over to where I was and lied down next to me facing away from me.

"Camz, can you do me a favor, please?" She said in a low voice.

"That's my job, that and I'd do anything for you." I really do mean it.

"You're sweet. Um, could you rub my back? I kinda fell and hurt it."

"And I thought I was the clumsy one." I giggle as she chuckles. "Sure no problem. Maia, the spa helper thought me a few things." I'm forgetting something... Oh. "I don't have any oil but I'll do my best." I reach out to her back.

"I'm not clumsy, you aaaarrrrrreeeee." She groaned as soon as I started to massage her back. "Fuck, she sure did teach you wwwweeeelllll." I sat up to massage her back better, I'm no massage expert but she seemed very tense and as I massaged her back it seems as if it was all coming out. I continued for about half an hour, it was now midnight and I thought Lauren was asleep. During her massage I sat on her thighs to massage her better, as I was getting off her, she flipped around and surprised me. I looked into her eyes and she indeed was sleeping because they were cloudy.

"Come here." She opened her arms and I gladly accepted her invitation to sleep in her arms. I rested my head on her shoulder close to her collarbone and placed my hand over her chest. "Goodnight Camz." She gave my head a kiss and wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me closer to her causing my head to cuddle into her neck.

"Goodnight Lolo." I gave her neck a kiss and we both drifted off to sleep.


It's finally Friday and guess where I am now! No, not at a movie theater. I was currently in Lauren's Ferrari driving to our final stop in this date. Yup you heard right, final stop in our date. Here's how the rest of the date went like, while I wait to get to our final destination.

*Earlier that day*

"Camz! Ya ready?" Lauren asked as she came out of the bathroom. She was wearing a crop top that said "Cali", jean waist high shorts and a beanie that said "Stay Weird" upside down. Not to mention the small amount of make-up she applied that are making her eyes stand out, making them seem more emerald.

"Yeah, I just need my chap-stick." I was wearing a white crop top with a red short skirt, my hair down in my natural waves, along with a matching red bow to hold back my long bangs, some mascara and my new white high top white Converse.

"You can have some of mine." Lauren said smirking as she walked towards me.

"Found it!" I sang as I applied, Lauren pouted which made me giggle. "You look nice Lolo."

"Not as nice as you Camz." Even if she tells me this every time before we leave somewhere, I always feel my face getting hot. She chuckles, reaching out to grab my hand and intertwining our fingers, bringing it up to her mouth, placing a small kiss there. "Now let's go m'lady."

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