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Hello, my beautiful lovely strong butterflies.

I can't seem to focus.

I was high last night.

That's prolly why.

Admit it.

You're curious.

You want to know why.

You want to know why??

Because I have no space left on my wrist for the blade to cut.

I am fucked.


How does feel?

Whoever asked me this question is a dumb fuck.

I'm sorry.

But you are.

It feels like dying.

Dying while waiting to die.

Does that make sense?

I didn't think so.

That's why

you shouldn't ask.

I swallowed the pain down again today.

Maybe there was a better way

to cope with all the thoughts going


and round

in my head

like a



I'm sorry.

I know I've treated this like a game at times.

First one down, wins the fucking cake.

But its real this time.

I know it.

And I'm sorry.

My Butterflies,

You're all so strong,

So beautiful,

so precious.

Please don't make

the same mistake

as me.

You are loved.

You are cared about.

And always will be.

Forgive me, please

If this seems selfish.

Goodbye, My Lovelies.


MY AMAZING LIFE (that was a joke..haha)Where stories live. Discover now