My story

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You may be thinking this girl doesn't know me! She doesn't know my life, my past. Here is where I tell you. I once was depressed. I once went through these things. So here's my story.        -Sally


I was a happy child first. Most people are. But not all. I had a lot of friends when I was young. Until, in 5 grade. I was bullied. Not beaten just regular gossip and name calling. Dont worry people shall be nameless. I wont even mention certain people. I was also cyber bullied constantly. I felt like I wasn't meant to live already at such a young age.

In sixth grade I had lost my friends over the summer. I mean they were there. But I didn't feel they were there for me. I knew I was a little chubby, so I started only eating salad. When they didn't work like I wanted, I didn't eat at all. I was the one in the group who was silent. I sat there holding back tears. But they didn't know. They just asked me pointless questions.

They asked "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine?"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah... just tired."

I didn't feel wanted. It's not like I was a ball of fun at the time. I wanted someone to try to love me. Even though I pushed them away. Which was very dumb on my part. I think I was just making sure they actually cared. But they failed miserably. So I resorted to cutting. I cut open my skin for pleasure. I thought it would show them I'm emo. I hoped people would get I need help. But they failed. Again.

I did it as if to say "See I am depressed I don't care about anyone." But inside I cared what they thought. I cared so much. I was always self conscious about my looks. My friends and people who hated me, were so pretty. I was so not. "I'm sorry." It's all I ever said. It's all I ever needed to say. I had scars all over and nobody knew. I thought nobody cared. I thought my family hated me. But they were just trying. They tried so hard. But I pushed them away. I slept for 3 hours every night.

I was unhappy and I felt alone. Nobody helped me. So I made this to help all of you girls or guys.

I made this for you


I would love to start putting some of your stories of how you got through a world of hopelessness. Your life story if you would. Just pm and ask to put it on. It shall be anonymous. Then ba bam it's there. Thanks bye!!

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