Chapter 2 School

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5 years later•

Sophie POV

I'm 10 now and I got use to Sunnyside everyone is nice and the children here is really cool to hang out with. I made a couple of friends with kids my age and higher and some of the adorable little ones like, Kassidy and Marianne. Everyone here knows each other past Kassidy mom died of cancer and she never met her dad he left the day she was born. Marianne parents couldn't afford to take care of her so they drop her off when she was three. All our stories here are sad, but its nice to have someone who understands and gets me. It was night time and I was staring at a photo of my mom and dad holding on to the locket with our pictures inside, laying down in bed in a room I share with two of my new friends, Alicia and Emma. "What you looking at?"asked Alicia coming in from the bathroom in her pjs. I quickly put the picture up hiding it under my pillow,"Nothing." "Okay."she said climbing into her bed. "You should really get some rest we have school in the morning."she said lying down. The orphanage is so popular they had plenty enough money to send all the foster kids to school which was amazing cause I get to see my best friend Charlotte everyday, but today is the first day of 4th grade."Okay goodnight." "Goodnight." When she was asleep I pulled out my family picture holding it. I let my tears fall I missed them so much. I put the photo back under my pillow falling asleep.


I got up right on time as usual taking a shower and getting dress into high-low mint dress with my white sandals. I put my long hair into a ponytail adding a mint blue/white bow. I have pretty long hair and the girls told me I should get it cut, but I said not in a million years I mean so what if my hair reaches to my back. I took one look in the mirror adding lip gloss to my pink lips and grabbing my school bag walking downstairs greeted by the younger kids. "You look really pretty Sophie!"said Kassidy. "Thank you kass."I said hugging her. "Where's Marianne?" "Right here!!"she said jumping into my arms hugging me. I laughed hugging her back. I sat with them and Alicia and Emma eating breakfast. "The bus is here girls and boys."Mrs. Monroe said opening the door and we ran out saying our goodbyes. We ride a special kind of bus that take us to school and back here only we are the only ones to ride this bus and it doesn't look like the other buses from school. As the bus started moving I was staring out the window holding onto my locket. When we finally made it we enter the building. Emma and Alicia found their morning class, but I was having trouble. "Are you lost?" I look up from my schedule to see a beautiful young woman in her 20s, she had blue eyes like me and nice long blonde curly hair. "Yes I can't find my morning class." I said showing her my schedule and she smiled. "Looks like you're in my class." I smiled as I followed her into the class immediately spotting Charlotte and ran towards her taking a seat by her. "Sophie you look pretty!"she said smiling, happy to know we were in the same class together. "You too!!" We talked until the bell had rung. "Hello class." "Hello." We all said back. "I'm your English teacher Mrs. Morgan."

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