Chapter 9 Holiday

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Sophie POV

After school today I made sure I didn't miss the bus and when we arrived back to the orphanage I ran upstairs packing some cute outfits and accessories and shoes. I can't wait for Christmas!! It was me and the girls favorite holiday.

Mrs. Morgan POV

"Okay I'm heading off to pick her up. Be on your best behavior!"I said mostly looking at Austin. "What!?"he said. Everyone in the room started laughing. "Just go get her."said Casey walking to put cranky James asleep. "Right okay."I said rushing out the house and into my car driving towards the orphanage. When I made it I parked and walked inside. "Hello I'm Denise you must be here for Sophie she's in the back playing with the rest of the children."the woman said smiling. "Okay thank you."I said returning the smile walking to the back seeing her playing with Emma and Alicia who I Immediately recognized and some little ones. I saw one of the little girls fall and cry and watched as Sophie walked over to her kissing her knee,"See its all better."she said tickling the little girl causing her to giggle. Sophie help her up,"Now go play with your little brother." "Okiee!"she said hugging her and running off. "Aweee." She froze and looked at me. I started laughing and she ran and hug me. "You're here!!"she yelled causing me to laugh at her. "Hey Mrs. Morgan!!"said Alicia and Emma running towards us. "Hello girls."I said smiling taking out some grass in Emma's hair. "Been playing rough have we." They looked at each other laughing. "Come on emmi and Alici!!"yelled a bunch of little girls and boys. "We're coming just saying bye to Sophie."Alicia said. "Have fun Soph we're going to miss you." "I'll miss you guys too."she said hugging them both. "Us too."said an adorable little boy. "I'll be back in no time okay." "Okay!" She hug them all. We said bye to them as we walked back inside. Sophie went upstairs coming back down with her suitcase. She said goodbye to the workers and we climbed inside the car and I began driving.

Sophie POV

We parked at this big white house. I got out and just stared. "You live here!?"I said. "Yes I do."she laughed taking my hand and in another holding onto my suitecase. In the inside it was incredible. First I saw was the living room and some people I only recognize Casey. They were smiling at me. "Omg you didn't tell me she was this beautiful!"said a pretty woman walking over to me hugging me. "Thank you." I laughed. She looked just like Mrs. Morgan and her sister, she must be the mom. "I'm Amanda, Morgan's mother."she smiled. "You remember me."said Casey and I nodded and she came to hug me. "I'm Tyler. Morgan's father."he hug me also. "And I'm the one and only Austin."said a tall handsome young man. "Morgan told us lots about you."he said. "And Morgan told me a lot about you."I said smiling when everyone busted out laughing. He looked at his Mrs. Morgan giving her a stern look which caused her to laugh even harder.

Mrs. Morgan POV

Sophie seems to get alone well with my family. She finally got settle in and was playing Monopoly with Casey and Austin. While I decided to help with dinner with my mom and dad.

Sophie POV

"I win."I said proudly. "No fair, you won like 5 times already."Austin said pouting. I crack up laughing. "Austin you such a sore loser."Casey said congrating me. He stick his tongue out at her and we both laughed. "Dinner is ready."called Mrs. Amanda. We ran into the kitchen taking our seats. When they set the chicken and rice and etc down. We ate when everyone took their seats. The talk was mostly about me. They asked questions and I answered.

Casey POV

When I finished I went to get James to feed him. "He's cute!" I turn to see Sophie. I smiled as she came and sat next to me. "Wanna hold him?"I asked. "Sure." She held him rocking him in her arms and she started singing a sweet, softly song. I watched as James yawned falling straight to sleep in her arms. The rest of the family came and listen. "Thats beautiful where did you learn that song?"I asked. "When I was a little and couldn't sleep my mother would take me in her arms and sing that song to me."she said handing baby James to me. I could tell she really miss her family. I held her hand and she smiled. "I better get some sleep."She said standing up. "We should all get some sleep."dad said.

Sophie POV

Me and Morgan was at the door hugging them all bye. I yawned tiredly. "To bed you go."Mrs. Morgan said leading me towards the room and tucking me in. I smiled as she kissed my forehead. "Night. Love you."she said pausing by the room door frozed. "I love you too." I said before falling to sleep.

Mrs. Morgan POV

Did I just say that? Did she just say I love you too??? I couldn't help, but tear up. Hearing her say she loves me....I can't describe how it felt. I smiled at her, turning off the lights, and walking straight into my bed. Falling asleep. Tomorrow is a big day.


I awoke to a hyper jumping Sophie on my bed in her red pjs with white snowflakes on them. I open one of my eyes and she laughed at me. "Get up already." "Okay I'm up I'm up."I laughed sitting up. She grab my hand dragging me out the bed towards the living room starring out the window it was around 6 something and it was snowing. Sophie was jumping up and down,"Can we go out and play!?"she asked. "When the family arrives we can go out okay, but first lets get ready." I smiled and she ran into the bathroom getting ready and I did the same. While she was still getting dress I was finishing up the Christmas' s dinner and cookies that were made last night. I went up to my room taking all the presents and putting them under the tree they were mostly all Sophie's and I bought some for the rest of my family. She came out in a red short sleeve top stuff inside her denim black skirt and her hair was down curly with a big red bow on the side. "Don't you look very pretty!"I said walking over to her. She laughed,"Thank you and so do you."she said hugging me. We heard two cars pulled up. I opened the door to see my whole family and Phil walk in with gifts. I hug them as they walked inside. "You look gorgeous!" My mom and Casey said to Sophie as she hug them both.

Sophie POV

We ate and opened presents. We were having so much fun and Phil was videoing taping everything. Austin had gotten this new watch and was going crazy over it showing it to everyone causing us to laugh at him. Me and him became best friends and Casey. The best part is when we all got our coats on and was outside throwing snowballs at each other. Austin and Phil both fell down on the snow and I was right there dying of laughter. They pulled me down with them. I shot mean looks at them and they all started laughing. Afterwards when it was getting dark we sat down watching Christmas movies drinking hot chocolate.

Mrs. Morgan POV

Sophie was cuddled up with me trying to keep her eyes open, but felled straight to sleep. I smiled at her and everyone started awing. I playfully rolled my eyes getting up. "I got her."said my dad picking her up. "Thanks dad."I said smiling at him. He smiled back walking upstairs putting her to bed and came back. It was getting late. "You seem much happier with her."my mom said after I said bye to my brother, Phil, and my sister as they already left. I smiled at her hugging my mom. "She's a sweet kid too."my dad added as I walked over to hug him. "Your right she really is."I smiled all I could think about was her. They smiled at me knowing what I was thinking, but am I ready. After saying bye to my mom and dad I cleaned up and walked upstairs to Sophie and watched as she was fast asleep. I was about to turn back when I heard my name. "I didn't mean to wake you."I said walking towards her bending down. "You didn't."she smiled. "Can you sleep with me?"she asked. I smiled at her,"Sure."I said climbing in bed with her and she cuddle closer to me falling asleep. I smiled as I began to drift fast asleep.

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