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After the whole branding drama, my head was still spinning like a top, and my neck still hurt real bad. We left 'hell' and decided to just go back to Manchester and deal with my old family another day. When we got back to Manchester, we were all chilling out in our house, when Tom got a phone call. It was from his friend Tucker, down in America. He said that Tom should come visit, and that he can bring his friends. Tucker was worried about Tom because he hadn't posted on Youtube, or live streamed in a while. Tom said yes, and me and Abby instantly disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and reappeared in our bedroom. Me, Abby, and Tom all decided that it would be best if we all just lived in the same house, so Abby moved into my room. We got out our suit cases and started packing. Our suitcases were pretty large because our clothes weren't normal clothes. There were dresses with layers, and socks and under garments, and lots of other stuff. Once we finished packing, we ran down stairs and met Tom at the door. He had his suit case with him too. It was a lot smaller than ours, because all he had were black suits, ties, and red vest. 

"Ready?" Tom asked us. Me and Abby held hands.

"Ready." We said back to Tom at the exact same time. We all disappeared in a cloud of black, red, and purple mixed smoke. We arrived at Tucker's door step, and Tom knocked on the door. We waited a second, then a tall man, with brown hair answered the door. It was Tucker. He opened the door with a huge smile on his face, then it instantly faded when he laid eyes on us. 

"Oh." Tucker said as he saw us. "I didn't know you transformed already. Me and Sonja were actually about to tonight. Oh! Come in, come in." He motioned for us to come inside as he stepped out of the way. We walked inside and saw a woman sitting on the couch, watching T.V. He eyes locked on me as we walked inside the house. She got up and came over to greet us. 

"Hi." She said "My name is Sonja." I could tell she was a bit nervous, so I toke this opportunity. I put an evil grin on my face and made my eyes glow even more red. She hesitantly held out her hand for me to shake it.

I toke hold of her hand and said "Kyle." She jumped as she heard my dark, demonic voice. I stared into her eyes, and hers started to glow red a bit.

"Kyle, don't posses Sonja." Tom said to me, making me break from staring into Sonja's eyes.

"Fine." I sighed. I looked back at Sonja and winked. She shakily toke her hand out go mine, and shook Abby's hand.

"My name is Abby." Abby said to Sonja, in a less dark, demonic voice. Me and Abby then shook Tucker's hand without saying a word. We took our stuff downstairs and set then on our beds. We went back up stairs to find Tucker and Sonja standing next to 2 glowing people that looked like themselves. The glowing people stared into their look-a-like's eyes and started disappearing, in forms of light. When they were gone, Tucker and Sonja's eyes were now fully white, and had very pale skin, and full white hair. They looked like somebody throw flour and baby powder at them. Their clothes didn't change at all though. "Oh, shit."  heard Abby say under her breathe as she his her face in her hands. "How the hell are we going to stay with them now, huh? It's to that simple for demons and angels to stay in the same house without killing each other." I noticed Abby's eyes start to turn red a bit, but went back to purple when I placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, love." I said to her. I then came very close to her ear and said "If they pull anything, I will take them out."


Hi! Thank u so much for reading this story that I thought would go nowhere. Now since you know that Tom is a demon, Tucker and Sonja r angels, wut do you think Jordon will be? Ok... BYE! :)

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