I Think I love You

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Tucker's P.O.V
"Finally." I thought to myself, as I watched Jordan run out in tears. I didn't even try to stop him. I had to put the next part of my plan into action.
Kyle's P.O.V
"Hey." Tom said softly, as we hugged tightly. "I know something to cheer you up."
"What?" I asked whilst looking up at him.
"Why don't we go on a killing spree, just you and me."
"You and I." I corrected him as I shoved my face into the crook of his neck. "And yes. I have been wanting to kill for WEEKS now!"
"Get dressed, I'll meet you in the car. Oh, and bring your weapons."
"Ok, thanks Tom." I smiled at him, and broke from the hug. He disappeared in his cloud of red smoke, and I started to get dressed. Abby was in hell right now, attending an important meeting with Lucifer and some other demons. I really wished she was here right now, but I knew how important this meeting was, so I'm not mad.
Jordan's P.O.V
Tucker's lips were so soft. It felt so right to kiss him. But I have no chance with him. He's with Sonja, and I'm with Ianite. I love Ianite. But I love Tucker, I think. Fuck. Does that make me bi? Yup. I am bi now. Whatever. My daughter hates me, I bet Tucker hates me too. I should just end it. Wait... FUCK!! Being immortal fucking sucks sometimes. I should just dig a hole, and sit in it forever. *sigh* I'm worthless.
Tucker's P.O.V
I disappeared in a bright white, flash of light, and reappeared in the middle of a huge open field, right next to a crying Jordan, hugging his knees. I sat down beside him, and put my arm around his shoulders. He slowly looked up from his knees, and looked at my arm that was draped around his shoulders. I used my other hand to lift up his chin, so he was now staring into my fully white eyes, and I was staring into his beautiful violet ones. "A-are you mad? He shakily asked me. I simply didn't say anything at all, and leaned in. Our lips connected once more, and passion filled filled the kiss. He didn't hesitate to kiss back, and I put my arm around his waist, pulling him in closer. He wrapped his arms around my neck, straightened out his legs. We broke from the kiss, and watched the beautiful sunset, whilst holding each other, never wanting to let go. "I think I love you." Jordan whispered.
"I know, I love you." I said back to him.

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