Chapter 7

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After having a rather late, but worthwhile, night coming up with different pranks that I could possibly pull, I dragged my tired self out of bed, got ready for the day ahead and make my way down stairs.

Just as I was about to walk into the dining room, Jerome and I quite literally walked straight into each other.



So that's how it is going to be

A moment of silence pasted between us which was spent with both of us starting at one another as if daring the other person to make the first move.

Hearing my stomach grumble in protest as to not having been fed yet, I stepped aside to let Jerome pass leaving the doorway to the dining room free for me to make my way into. Taking a seat in my usual spot, I made myself a bowl of muesli and tried to get an idea of what the people were taking about.

"His family is relocating to Australia" said Mara

"And Micks not going with them?" asked Patricia

"No way, he wants to stay here. He's telling them today"

"What? Jocks and crocs, I'll be over there like a shot...Then again" said Joy fading out. Following her eye sight to see that Fabian had just made his way into the kitchen.

So Joy likes Fabian, that's interesting.

"Hey Jerome, I got some responses to the pics that I send out yesterday. So that's a no and yes we got your email and ... no" said Alfie to Jerome who had appeared standing behind the seat next to me.

After his short laughing fit he reminded Alfie that amber didn't specify what type of magazine and that he should set the bar nice and low, and then left the room.

Finishing my breakfast, I quickly washed up, picked up my bag which had been slung over my chair and walking out into the foyer to see a dejected looking Jerome's little sister leaving the house. What was her name again, Poppy?

Seeing as no one else was ready to go to school, I left the house to prepare myself for the day.


Leaving first period with Mara we were discussing the homework task when we rounded the corner and saw Jerome and Alfie walking away from a dejected looking Poppy.

"We should probably go talk to her" said Mara

"Yeah...hey I have to grab my books for next period so I'll catch up"

"Sure thing, see you in a minute" Mara said before walking over to Poppy.

Walking to my locker, I entered my locker combination and opened the door....

"AARRHHHH" jumping back a little and now drawing the attention of a few other students who were now laughing a little.

Looking down at myself, I was covered from head to toe in silly string.

"And so it begins"

Grabbing my books and the now empty silly string can, I shut my locker and made my way to the drama room where I knew everyone would be.

As soon as I entered the room there were quite a few pairs of eyes laughing to themselves.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up" I said making my way passed Mara who just got up from the seat next to Jerome. Before she could even say something I just told her that I would explain later.

Crossing my arms over my chest I made a little coughing noise to get his attention.

Taking his hand away from his face, he couldn't help but laugh at the success of his prank.

"Looks like a leprechaun threw up a rainbow" he said with a smirk making Alfie behind me laugh."Haha, how long did it take you to come up with that one?" I said smirking straight back at him. That should wipe the smirk off his face ... Which it did."Touché" Aflie said whilst holding his hand up for me to high five leaving Jerome no so impressed with him. "What?" Asked a very confused Alfie once seeing Jerome's face.

"Alright class, take your seats so we can begin the lesson" the Drama teacher said whilst walking in.

Taking a seat in the empty chair next to Jerome I start removing the silly string from myself whilst the teacher is explaining what we will be doing in class today.

"You missed one" I looked up to see a piece of green silly string being pulled from my hair and handed to me from a smug looking Jerome. And he's smug looking self again.

I poked my tongue out at him, which resulted in a small laugh from him along with "Jerome: 1, Riley: 0"

"Are you two right over there?" Jerome and I snap our heads in the direction of our Drama teacher who was staring directly at us as well as the rest of the class.

"Yes sir" I quickly say

"Well would you like to share with the rest of your class mates what you were talking about?"

"We were just talking about the big drama performance we had at the end of last year" replied Jerome.

"Oh, I see. So since you too are so interested in drama how about you two can come and demonstrate what we will be doing today for the rest of the class"

Now glaring at the back of Jerome's head, I hear a small groan come from him as we both reluctantly get out of you seats and make our way over to the stage, giving him a quick elbow as I stood next to him.

Looking out over the rest of the class I could see Patricia and a couple of other students quietly snickering to themselves.

Great, thanks a lot Jerome....Not!

It Started with a Prank - Jerome ClarkeWhere stories live. Discover now