Something Big. Part 1.

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This was the very first song that I heard by Shawn, and to be honest it is one of my very favorites. It was one of the first songs that he had recorded, and boy did he do great. Or amazing. Whatever the word to describe it. This was one of his first big hits, and it obviously hits the title hard. Something big did happen for Shawn and I couldn't be more proud of him and where he has come. I should of started this whole "documentary" with this song but oh well. I kind of have a theory on why I didn't. 

Shawn didn't just grow big right out of nowhere, well he kinda did. But that's not the point. He started out with the 6 seconds covers on vine, and his voice. He then did the whole MAGCON tour, then the whole Disney's Next Big Thing and then after that that was basically when he got big. The song basically says that something big is going happen. We all know what that big thing was. That was the rise of the one and only Shawn Mendes. 

In the music video people keep on adding onto his little group, and as the video progresses that little group wasn't so little anymore. It grew into something big, and that something big was his career. It's something big. Something amazing. Something incredible. 

I don't have much to add to this song. I don't have a specific story or incident that involved this song, and I also don't want to bore you and tell you how proud I am of Shawn. Because to be honest every fan of the mendes army is extremely proud of Shawn. 'Cause if you aren't than are you really here to support Shawn and his music? We all should be proud of him no matter what, look at where he is now! He's touring with Taylor Swift! :) 

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