The Ride

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"Shot me out of the sky,Your my kryptonite" Damn.I love waking up harry's voice it's so sexy. Ok as you can see I am a directioner. But I don't own many posters because merchandise is so expensive. Well off topic either way it's my last day in New York City. I'm moving to Holmes Chapel,England. The only good thing about it is that my best friend Caylinda is coming with me. Then my phone made a "tweet" sound

Caylinda: Jenny wake up me and my mom are waiting at the airport for you and your mom well your mom is here already. You've got 1 hour to get here!!

Jenny: What! what the hell is my mom doing there already!

Caylinda: well she said that you have to be responsible and all that parent shit

Jenny: Ok I'm coming

I put down the phone and ran to the bathroom brushed my teeth and washed my face and got dressed I put my black and white plaid shirt,skinny jeans and my black and white converse.Then went to the mirror and did my make-up. Then added my black beanie. I took a deep breathe and and ran out the door. When I got to the airport I was late for my flight. Shit!. Then I got a text

Caylinda: Hey I knew you were coming late so as an amazing friend I bought you a ticket for the next flight to Holmes Chapel,England see you when we you get there!

Oh my cheese and sprinkles(notice my rio quote) you have no idea how lucky I am to have her so my flight is 30 min away. so I have enough time to buy stuff, and breakfast. So I get up and go to a Starbucks. When I order my coffee and sat down and took out my phone and I looked a more funny memes they make of one direction.

Then I hear screaming which startles me and I drop my phone. Crap. I thought I picked it up no crack. Yes! Then I see a mob of girls surrounding a group of people. I hear girls screaming "Omg Harry marry me!!!!!" and "Niall we breathe I breathe and I am human and your human lets get married" that one was actually kinda ridiculous but funny. I know,I know why isn't Jenny running and screaming with them. Well I am a lazy person and they are to far so yeah and also they would never marry me or even talk to me. So yeah but also if wasn't to lazy I would totally jump over all those crazy bitches and force harry to talk to me seems crazy but not really I know people who would like kill people to get harry to talk to them.

Either way I am watching one direction running away from fans then suddenly Zayn,Harry,and Niall fall to the side but fans don't notice and they keep chasing Liam and Louis poor boys can't even walk through a airport and not get mobbed. Then I can feel someone staring at me. I turn around and it's Harry,Zayn,And Niall staring at me I turn back freaking out. Then Harry comes and sits in front of me and Niall sits to my right and Zayn sits to my left. Oh My cheese and sprinkles they look way cuter up close.

"Hello,love where might you be headed to?"said Harry "I'm moving to Holmes Chapel,England"."Oh really I'm live near by there which street are you moving to?"He said."why do you wanna know stalker much kidding but seriously why do wanna know?"I said "because I find you very fit"he said while smiling. what! Did the Harry just call me hot in a British way "why,thank you you are very fit to harry"I said. Damn it Jenny of course he's fit any girl would kill to have this moment that I having right now with him.I look up at Harry he is blushing madly!. Zayn and Niall are laughing. "Shut up"said Harry "the only reason you guys came here is because you thought the same thing as well" said harry angrily "no need to get angry" I said while putting my hand on his "calm down take deep breaths".

I checked my phone I have 2 min to get to my gate. "Guys I'm sorry I have to go my flight takes off in 2 min"I said while standing up and throwing my trash away "mine to!" They all said at the same time. We all ran to our gate and entered the plane. My seat is in the back 30D. So I get to the back off the plane and sat down. Then Harry does then Zayn does Niall has to sit with Louis and Liam in the front."Please buckle your seatbelt we will be taking off in a minute" said the lady in the speaker. I turn to face Zayn he is freaking out "Zayn? Are you ok"I said "no I hate planes"he said while almost crying "awww don't cry I'll hold your hand the whole way ok" i said while slipping my hand in to his. then we lifted off and he held it tight during that stage then we got steadily in the air. I let go of Zayn's hand he freaked it and didn't let go "Zayn let go" I said as pulling away.

He let go and walked to the bathroom. I turned to Harry who look at me when I look at him "Jenny I know I just met you but will you go out with me" oh my stars harry styles the omg- your-so-sexy-cute-green-eyed-curly-hair god just asked me out. "Yes! I would love to Harry!!" "Yea" he said then he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. Zayn came back "Zayn guess what me and Jenny are going out now!!!!" He said while still hugging me "yeah that's great" said Zayn while looking almost jealous and angry.

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