worst day ever?

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Ok guys, I finally got the hang of writing a story on watt pad and adding new parts. Please enjoy and sorry I haven’t posted in a while, life is pretty crazy right now.


Thoughts of escaping were swirling around in my head, making me dizzy. A little while after I saw Sam eating her husband, she woke me up and told me there was a fire. Since I was still disoriented, I followed her, completely forgetting about how dangerous she was. She threw a damp towel and held my hand as she led me to god knows where. I was waking up a little bit more and I realized that I didn’t smell any smoke. Quickly, I pulled my hand out of her grasp and threw the towel off of my head. But it was too late.  Sam pushed me down a flight of steps and locked me in. the room has big slits in the sides and the floor is covered in ash and coal rocks. The door is just a smooth slab of concrete with the handle on the other side. I guess this is it then. I’m just going to die in this incinerator and never find my father.  I hardly had the energy to sit up and my body was sore. I ran a hand through my hair. Immediately I pulled it away as a sticky substance came in contact with my skin. Yep, it’s blood. I probably have a concussion. I gripped two steps and slowly rose to my feet. My bones cracked and my muscles ached from being dormant for so long. Slowly, very slowly I went up the steps. At the top step my legs gave way and I collapsed into a heap. Sweat started pooling at the base of my neck. I felt overheated and my body was sticking to my clothes. My eyes snapped to the slits in the walls. Before they were dark and hollow but now they’re glowing bright orange and red. I pressed my palms against the wall, before it was cool to the touch but this time it burned to touch it. With newfound energy and numbness that prevented me from feeling pain, I sprinted down the steps and started searching for a way out. No way was I gonna die.

           Giving up, I slumped against the wall and slid down. I closed my eyes and sighed. My eyes snapped open as my back and foot started burning mercilessly. They caught fire! I started jumping around trying to get the fire out. When they were out I started coughing and wheezing. The smoke was filling my lungs making it impossible to breathe. As I stumbled around, my foot came in contact with something protruding out of the wall. Bending closer to see it, I realized it was a tiny handle. I pulled the handle and the door swung open. On the other side it was pitch black and the crawlspace was kind of tight but I crawled in and closed the door behind me. I began moving forward and as I did, the space just got smaller and smaller. Soon I was just sliding on my stomach with my arms stretched out in front of me to propel me further. When I thought this would never be over, my hands grasped the edge of the wall and I pushed forward. I fell face first on the floor and my feet knocked into some big, metal tins. I clumsily got up and surveyed my surroundings.

               I was in a room with cement walls, cement ceilings, and three huge boilers in the middle of the room. The floor was littered with shrapnel and metal bins were placed vicariously around the room. The room smelled strongly of cat feces and dead rats. The middle boiler was of whereas the other ones were on so I guess I came out of that one. I noticed a door in the back corner of the room and another in the front corner. I realized that the pipes were going towards the back door so I guess that’s the door to the incinerator. Happy to get out of this room, I ran towards the front door and wrenched it open. Light instantly poured into the room and I was face to face with Sam. I instantly punched her in the face and slammed her into one of the boilers. I opened the latch and pulled her head back into the burning heat. She was kicking at me and screaming but I kept her in there. When her attempts to get free came to a stop I pulled her out. Her face looked like something out of a horror movie. Welts were boiling up onto her face and it was completely swelled up. Her lips were swollen and her eyes were sunken into her face.

“Nnrgh gring yut vernggg…… krinng…. Nnnrgh.” Sam hissed as she went out cold. I knew I didn’t kill her but to make sure I checked her pulse. It was there and beating strongly.

“Sorry, but I had to. You were probably going to kill me.” I dug around in her pockets and pulled out her keys. I pocketed them and ran out of the boiler room.

I unlocked the apartment door and was greeted by my purple suitcase. Deciding that I would need more clothes and more necessities, I took a shower, grabbed two of Sam’s suitcases, filled one with most of her clothes and filled the other one with all of her accessories, beauty products, and necessities (soup, toothbrushes, toothpaste unrefrigerated food, etc.).  After eating a hearty meal and charging my phone, I decided to get dressed.  I crimped my hair; put Sam’s aqua blue shorts on, a white and pink striped drop of the shoulder shirt, aqua blue flats, a white tank top, silver hoops, and an owl necklace. I felt refreshed and ready to take on another train ride. Quickly, I located Sam’s emergency stash money and borrowed two limitless credit cards and almost 40,000 dollars in cash. I shoved all of them into my bra and walked out the door with three suitcases in hand.

If I didn’t mention it before I’m sorry but Sam’s husband was filthy rich. Tell me how much you liked it! Xoxoxoxox


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