best guy ever?

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I looked over at Blake and noticed he was fast asleep. His hair was askew and his head was slightly tilted to the side. His toned chest was rising up and down and his mouth was hanging open.  

I turned towards the window. I wonder what my mom is doing right now. She was never the best mom but I never imagined that she would kick me out.  

I sighed and started thinking about my dad. 

What if he's dead or what if he doesn't want to be found? What if he moved back to the united states and is living in Pittsburgh or Santa Monica? What if he has another family?  

I sighed again and buried my face in my hands. so many questions but little answers. But there was one question I blatantly tried to ignore but it was like a red light flashing in my face. 

What if I find him and he doesn't want me? 

I know he told me he loves me but that was so many years ago. I can't go up to him and expect him to welcome me with open arms. He probably won't even know who I am, seeing as I look completely different than I did before. I have red hair now and I'm curvy and tall.  

Blake started stirring next to me so I turned towards him.  

He yawned and stretched before smiling at me. "Hey." 

I tried to smile but it fell into a grimace. "Hey." 

He breathed in my face and I instantly flinched back. He had REALLY bad morning breath.  

"What's wrong Layla? You look like you're in pain." Blake queried. 

At that point my nose was twitching and I was slightly inching away from him. 

"Seriously Layla, are you ok? " 

I was pressed against the window and I couldn't move back anymore.  

"you're really worrying me." 

I took a deep breath and said " Dude you seriously need to brush your teeth or use some mouthwash because your breath stinks. Not just stinks but it's absolutely horrid. Just go and clean your mouth." Towards the end I got really loud and immediately felt bad when I saw everyone laughing at Blake. I looked towards Blake but was surprised to find the seat empty. 

I sighed. If it wasn't clear, I was so over him. 

*2 hours later* 

I was poking Blake. I've been doing for quite some time now but he's just been ignoring me. After he brushed his teeth, he came back and sat down. I tried talking to him but he just put in his headphones and turned his music all the way up. his music was so loud that I could sing along. 

I started poking him harder. I was pretty annoyed that he was ignoring ME. No one ever ignored me. It's literally impossible to do that. I go out of my way to make sure of that. With every poke my anger was mounting, if he didn't talk to me then I was pretty sure my anger would peak. 

My hand shot up and ripped Blake's headphones out of his ears. 

"What the hell? Give me my headphones back Layla." Blake held out his hand.  

"I will. But first tell me why you've been ignoring me." I said. 

"Isn't it obvious?" 

"No, what did I do?" 

"You embarrassed me in front of everyone! You could've quietly told me that my breath stank but you practically yelled it to the whole plane. It was mean and it was rude." Blake let out a breath like he wanted to say that for some time now. 

A few heads turned our way but I didn't care. 

"I'm your friend and friends tell each other stuff like that. It's better I told you then someone else." I raised my voice and a few more heads turned our way. 

"We're not friends. Why would I want to be friends with someone that is always turning something into an argument?" 

I sharply sucked in a breath. I don't know why but that stung more than it should have. 

Feeling hurt, I tossed his headphones in his lap and turned to the window. 

I heard Blake sigh but he just put his headphones back in.

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