Chapter 1 Where It all began..

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Aphmau's POV: 

I continue running, my legs hurt, I have cuts all over my body, my breathing is heavy, but I still run, I could hear the O'khasis's guards, I can feel the cool night breeze, I see light up ahead, Houses, Paths, my heart skipped a beat as I pushed myself to run faster, I couldn't here the O'khasis's guards anymore. I think I was safe, I slowly walk into the small village, things were. Not right, paths were missing, houses needed fixing, everything was just...wrong. I could feel the pain in my legs from all the running, I see a guard walking around the village, He had a helmet on so I couldn't see his face, I got scared and hid behind a house I didn't want him to see me....I didn't want him being like on of them .

Garroth POV:

I walk around the village making sure there was no trouble, I see a figure of a girl up ahead. I walk towards it but then it just...disappeared. I was confused and continued walking, I go over to where the I saw the figure, I couldn't see anything, I hear walking behind me as I turn quickly grabbing  a woman's arm, I look at the woman's face, she had jet black hair and beautiful brown eyes, she was so beautiful, but she looked injured, we both stop as I let go of her arm and put my hand down

"Miss are you ok? I'm sorry if I scared you I mean no harm."

 She lets her guard down a little and I see her tear up, I look at her body to see cuts were everywhere same with bruises, I got worried she hugs me tightly, I blush madly, thank god my helmet was on, she cries heavily, my heart hurt to see her like this, when she was done she looked up with me with extremely wet eyes, she wipes her eyes and looks at my shoulder she cried on

"Oh my gosh! I..I am so sorry! I didn't know how much I cried."

"It's ok Miss, Y..You can stay at my place tonight I..If you want"

Her eyes light up and hugged me again, My face goes red as I hug her tight, she lets go and I take her to my home, I take her into the guest bedroom and start the fireplace up and bring her some hot chocolate, she thanked me as I am about to exit the room


I turn around with a worried look even though she couldn't see my face,

"I...I never got your name.."

"My name is Garroth. What is your name M'Lady?"

She smiles, it makes my heart melt, she was so beautiful, but it hurt to see her hurt like this, I want to get her revenge, I want to make who ever hurt her pay.

"My name is Jessica but I go by my middle name Aphmau!" 

She beamed, I blush, I want to protect her, I have to.

"Goodnight Aphmau,"

"Goodnight, Garroth."

Aphmau's POV:

Garroth...He seems, mysterious, but kind and nobel, I wish I could see under his mask, I hope I can stay here, I want to stay here I can't run, not anymore. I fall asleep fast with only one thing on my mind


Author's Note:

PHEW! First chapter done! I'm soooo excited for this! I hoped you enjoy sorry if it a bit short BUT I will do more tomorrow C ya! 


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