Chapter 3 He won't Touch her

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Garroth's POV: 

I run over to where Zane and Aphmau are, I pull her next to me and get in front of her, Aphmau seemed shocked, Zane on the other hand...wasn't impressed, 

"M'lady please go back inside,"

"W..What? Why?"

I turned to her and put my hands on her shoulders 

"Please..just go."

She got the message and left in a hurry I turned back to Zane, He looked pissed, very pissed. I was scared, but I didn't show it, I didn't let my guard down, I couldn't let him get Aphmau

"That isn't a way to respect me guard."

"I don't care, I'd rather keep Aphmau safe, I know who you are."

Zane smirked, as he got his sword and aimed it at my neck he got his guards, they both grabbed my arms as I struggled to be set free, Zane laughed as he put his sword down and came up to me, he got my helm and took it off, I growled at him as he threw my helm away, I don't care what happened to me, as long as Aphmau was safe.

Aphmau's POV:

I stopped on the way to Garroth's house, Why did he not want me to be there? He was the high priest of Meteli, well thats what he told me, wait now that I think about it he did look familiar....


Zane took my hands and threw me into the dungeon, I fell down with a thud and cut my arm in the process, I look at the ground to see a blood trail and a nail, I look at my arm to see a huge gash there, 

"You will stay in there until you say you want to marry me!"

I look at his cold icy blue eyes and jet black hair, it made me sick, he came in every day and pulled me out of the cage to ask the same question,  'will you be my wife?' I would always refuse so he would beat me and through me in the cage again, one day I will day...

~Flashback End~ 

That wasn't the high priest of Meteli...that was the High priest of O'khasis! and Garroth was near him! I ran back towards the docks where Garroth and Zane were, I see Zane's guards holding Garroth by the arms making sure he dosn't move, but Garroth didn't have his helm on. I could see his beach blonde hair, I could see Zane pull out his sword aiming for Garroth, I pulled out my sword and ran up to them swinging my sword knocking Zane's out of the way, I stand in front of Garroth ready to attack, Zane stood there shocked, I drop my sword and kicked Zane in the chest causing him to fall down in pain, I turn around to the guards that were holding Garroth, they both shivered in fear and let go, they ran to help Zane, I turn back around as Garroth gets his sword, Zane gets up holding his chest


Zane used his powers to fly my sword away and heal himself, he grabbed his sword and came charging towards me, I scream and get ready for pain, when I hear a clash of swords, I see Garroth in front of me blocking Zane's sword,

"You won't touch her Zane."

"You are a idiot big brother, we were meant to get married, but she was to much of a idiot to marry me and ran away, I was here for her, now let me get her"


Garroth moved back and swung his sword stabbing Zane in the arm, he yelled in pain as he fell back, his guards helped him up and back on the ship, they sailed away, 


Garroth turned towards me, his Icy blue eyes stared into mine, his beach blonde hair fell in place on his face perfectly, his lips were so perfect, everything about him was perfect, I walked to kiss him so badly, he pulled me close to him hugging me tightly, I started to cry I remembered everything, all the memories of O'khasis flowed into my brain,

"What did he do to you Aphmau...?"

I cried harder as he let go, he wiped my tears away, 

"Aphmau...don't cry I won't let him hurt you"

I smiled weakly, I knew I was in love with him, even if I have only been here for a few days 

"You want to know..what he did to me?"

Garroth nodded, he looked worried but had protection in his eyes, I took a deep breath I looked to the sea

"It all started a few years ago, I had dated Zane and he had planned to get married and everything, but one day I caught him cheating on me and I was heartbroken and broke up with him, I did know about him being a lord and everything and then about a year ago he came back pleading for me to be back with him, I refused because I couldn't trust him, then a few months later he came to my home with his guards took me to his palace where the dungeons where and threw me in a cage, and everyday he would come and ask the same question 'will you be my wife?' I always said no so he would beat me and throw me back in, there would be nails on the floor so I could always cut myself, I managed to escape a few weeks ago, Zane's guards found I has escaped and came looking for me, they found me and started chasing me I managed to lose them and I found this place,"

Garroth's POV:

I was shocked, he did that to her, I couldn't believe it, he did that to the love of my life, I could see her start to cry and it hurt me, is was like a stab to the heart I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled her close to me and pressed my lips on hers, I wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back, I wanted to stay there forever, it was so perfect, she was perfect, we let go as we blush madly, 

"I..I'm sorry...I j--"

I get stopped by Aphmau kissing me again, I kissed her back pulling her closer to me, I could fel her heart beat, we break apart as she presses her forehead on mine she giggled, the same one which made my heart melt,

"I love you Aphmau"

"I love you to Garroth"

I kiss her again, my dream, had come true.

A/N HOPE YOU ENJOYED! This was a long one IK! I got carried away opps! a lot of kissing I know BUT HEY! This IS a Garmau fanfic soooooo what you expect! hope you enjoyed! I might write another chapter today to make up for tomorrow since I am going to be away for the whole day and won't be able to write anything, I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter love you guys!!



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