Chapter 13

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A/N Hey guys Mythical here! I am so sorry I haven't been posting, things have been going on and I have had writers block :( And also this is the last chapter of The Best Gem Of All, But don't worry I'm planning on writing more books! BUT I AM BACK FOR A NEW CHAPTERRR >:3 Hope you enjoy! 

Aphmau's POV:

Rowan,Angel and my new son came back to the real world, we all caught our breath as Austin, Garroth, Levin and Lucinda came bursting in,


They all seemed to be in sync we all laughed as they came over to us, Levin came running towards me hugging me tightly


I giggle as I hug my little boy Garroth comes over to me and kisses me ( Whooo is fangiirrrllliiinnnngggg >:3 ) I kiss him back, we break apart as I see my new son coming over to us

"C..Can I get a hug?"

"I need your name first, my son."

 I could see the happiness in his eyes 


"Ok Malachi come here"

He runs over as I hug him tightly surprisingly I could hug him, even if he was a ghost, Levin and Garroth come over and hug us everyone 'awwed'

We all let go as Zoey comes down with something to eat

"I heard you guys were awake! Welcome back! and who might this little one be?"

"Hi! My name is Malachi!"

Zoey laughs and hugs him, I got the sense that Malachi was going to be happy here.

~( ^ o ^ )~ A few weeks later ~ ( ^ o ^)~

Angel's POV:

I walk over to the docks to see Rowan there holding something in his hands I walk over to him with a big smile on my face 

"Hey Rowan!"

He jumps a little hiding the item in his hand, He blushes wish make me blush but I giggle

"U..Uh H..hey Angel!"

"Whats that in your hand hmm?"

I swing my hands back and forth as well as my body trying to act cute, Rowan takes a deep breath and shows me a silver necklace with a amethyst gem in the middle, silver with diamonds in it around the gem making a diamond shape ( If you want to know what it looks like I will post a pic in the nest chapter and no there is not going to be a story to it it's just going to be the pic ) 

I gasp as he hands it to me, I hold it in one hand as he grabs the other

"Angel..Will you be my girlfriend?"

I gasp and kiss him still holding onto the necklace, he brings me close to him I could feel his warmth and I loved it, I loved him, he broke apart as our foreheads touched

"Of course I will Rowan"

I giggle and he chuckles, he puts the neck lace on me as I kiss him again, I couldn't be happier.

Garroth's POV: 

I pace back and forth at the Lady Irene statue at the top of the mountain, I see Aphmau, my beautiful princess coming to where I was, I instantly become nervous and clutch the box I was holding 

"Hey Honey!"

"Hey princess"

I walk over to her and kiss her, it was becoming sunset. The perfect timing, we break apart as I took a deep breath


"Yes Garroth?"

Her eyes light up, she was so beautiful, I take a deep breath and got on one knee ( LET THE FANGIRLING COMMENCE!!!!!! ) she gasps as I present her with a silver ring with purple hearts ( ^ look at da image for da ring :3 )

"Aphmau, I have loved you since I have laid my eyes on you, and now that your back, now that your awake, I want to never leave your side, I want to protect you and love you, I want to be a father for Levin and Malachi, you are The Best Gem Of Them All so, Aphmau...Will you marry me?"


I could see tears of happiness in her eyes, she nods through her tears as I get up and hug her tightly, we let go as I place the ring on her finger, I kiss her passionately, I was going to be a father to two amazing boys, a husband to the girl of my dreams and a lord to the village I stayed in for almost my whole life, I couldn't be happier.

Third POV:

And thus everyone was happy, Aphamu and Garroth were getting married (GARMAU!!!!!! ) Rowan and Angel were boyfriend and girlfriend, Levin and Malachi had a dad and were best friends and brothers and Zane was no were to be seen, they found out a few months later that Zane had died from getting killed in the Dark Land ( Yes he got sent there thanks to a assassin >:3 ) everyone was happy and safe. For now at least...

A/N Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed my fanfic! there will be more fanfics and books to come so do not worry! PUT YOUR PITCHFORKS AND WEAPONS AWAY OKAI?! Thank you, and thanks to 700+ views it's so crazy that 700 have read my fanfic I have nevet thought I would get this far, so thank you so much! I love you guys!!!!



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